Wiki, Items, Scripts, and You! 09/14/2020 11:47 AM CDT
Hey, y'all!

It's your favorite GSWiki enthusiast back at it again with a new and improved way to catalog those fancy, schmancy items you have laying around!

I've just rolled out four new templates to help with formatting:
* Iteminfo
* Itemverb
* Itemtier
* (Related, but semi-not): Verbtableheader

Along with it, there is now a help article for item script page formatting and information on some of the pertinent changes (!

But wait, there's more!

Would you like an EXAMPLE of how an updated item page will look? Well, thanks to GM Avaluka, the compartmentalized quiver page ( has seen an update to coincide with its updates for the archery changes!

This was done in an effort to better streamline item script pages, item script categories, and make it easier for anyone who has those items laying around that really could use a page for!

>Scurry my little ants! Scurry to be insulted by a hairdresser and then murdered by the Jason Mamoa of Arkati!

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