POLICY Updates 09/19/2018 07:26 PM CDT
In just a little bit, I'll be pushing some updates live concerning the POLICY command. This is mostly a transparency update to give you, the player, information on your status.

The POLICY command will now show you how many warnings you've had on that character, your last warning date, your last scripting violation, if you're a high maintenance customer (HMC), if you're being monitored for vulgarity, and the last time you read the policy in full.

Keep in mind, this update will only show the character you're using the command on, not the entire account(s). When it comes to penalties and lockouts, warnings follow the account and any linked accounts. To get an idea of the entire account, you'll need to check on each character separately.

The vulgarity system will inform you that you're violating policy every now and then. Originally, the system was pretty invisible to the player. We're just noticing an uptick in using vulgarity though. If you use severe vulgarity, it mutes your message. This is just to help you know more of what is happening from now on. There isn't anything new, other than the transparency.

With all of this, POLICY 3 and 20 are also a little more clear on what they all entail.

I know there will likely be some questions, so I'm going to preemptively answer some of them.

>>Why doesn't it show the dates of my last warnings?

Retroactive dates aren't possible. The time stamps are a new feature that are being stored in game. Future warnings will show your dates.

>>I don't recall being warned on [insert date], can I get further clarification?

You can ASSIST and request a referral to speak with a GameMaster to talk about any previous warnings you have on your account.

>>Why am I being monitored for vulgarity?

There are many reasons that you were set up to be monitored for vulgarity. I'll touch on a few common reasons.

- You used vulgarity and it was reported or seen by game staff.
- You're on a new character.
- You're around others who use vulgarity.
- You've been warned for some form of vulgarity infraction.

Being monitored doesn't necessarily mean you've violated the policy. I just want to make that clear.

>>How long am I going to be monitored for vulgarity?

The system is pretty automated. If you don't use any vulgarity, it eventually stops monitoring you.

>>Will I get in trouble if I'm only using vulgarity around friends?

If you're in a public area of the game, the monitoring system will pick it up. This includes tables, hunting areas, major sanctuaries, and bath houses. Keeping it to whispers in public areas is recommended. You can review POLICY 3 and 17 to learn more about the vulgarity policy and privacy.

Wyrom, PM

This message was originally posted in Help for Players, Policy Discussions. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
