Bugitem should have some way to check status 01/11/2022 11:26 PM CST
I've put a couple bugitems in, and, as a player, there's no way to know the status of them. I don't know if it's being worked on, has been rejected, or if it's thought to be fixed (but still broken). Also, the GameHosts don't seem to have visibility either into the status of bugitems.

Maybe I'm unusual, but I've had a bugitem filed for a couple months, and with referrals and assists you can see your position, but with bugitems, there's no visibility at all.

Thanks for the time & consideration!
Re: Bugitem should have some way to check status 01/12/2022 04:56 PM CST
>Maybe I'm unusual, but I've had a bugitem filed for a couple months, and with referrals and assists you can see your position, but with bugitems, there's no visibility at all.

Don't feel bad. I bugged a creature weapon that inspects as X type, but when you actually use it it behaves as Y type. I bugged this one years ago, even bugged it a second time a few years later.....the issue still remains to this day.

I personally haven't had a lot of time to be in game, but the bugitem I did for my warrior's weapon that isn't working with the Executioner's Stance, that's still not fixed. It's been suggested to assist and request a GM to look at the item in game, but I can't sit around waiting and I'm not always playing my warrior.

There's also the experience bug that you can bypass before hitting level 20. Right before you get to level 20 there is a way to bypass the "hold" that is put on your character until you accept your character's final stats and skill placement. I haven't tested this in while, but it was still there several years after I reported it in game and emailed NIR folks about it.

Sometimes, things just don't get fixed.
Re: Bugitem should have some way to check status 01/12/2022 09:56 PM CST
>There's also the experience bug that you can bypass before hitting level 20. Right before you get to level 20 there is a way to bypass the "hold" that is put on your character until you accept your character's final stats and skill placement. I haven't tested this in while, but it was still there several years after I reported it in game and emailed NIR folks about it.

If this is the issue with offline absorption, I tested this recently and found it was fixed.
Re: Bugitem should have some way to check status 01/12/2022 10:12 PM CST
>If this is the issue with offline absorption, I tested this recently and found it was fixed.

That was one of the ways. There was another way that still worked when I last tried it, but as I said, that was some time ago. Several years or more, now.... and that was several years after I had bugged the issue and emailed those in charge.