Cross-Post: Titles, RP, and Cannon 08/23/2018 04:10 PM CDT
As this has to do with my private property design, I figured this would be a good place to crosspost as well:

So... I have a question... and I'm not trying to be difficult... but I think I want some clarity here.

I was recently denied/asked to rework something in my premium home's design due to cannon and not wanting to imply that my character or her family is nobility. This was the item in question:

A,gold-framed,portrait (2)
Dressed in medal-adorned Legion refinement, a blonde Elven male with striking blue eyes stands rigidly at attention in front of several mahogany bookshelves, his gaze fixed on nothing in particular. A graceful Elven female wearing a pale aquilorn gown sits beside him, her long titian hair pulled into a carefully styled side bun. Despite her smile, a look of loss is reflected in her somber green eyes. A gold filigreed frame affixed with a small plate along the bottom edge surrounds the portrait.
> read plate
In flowing Elven Script, it reads:
Beloved Father and Mother, Vezeret and Lareina Arahaelon Vaalor

The response I was given regarding it was this:
painting - The Legion reference can stay, since it is general enough and doesn't imply a specific rank. However, the aqilorn will have to be removed. Aqilorn has only recently been made accessible to non-nobility, and we cannot go against cannon and imply that you or your family are nobility.

If aqilorn is the sole and specific issue here in a painting and not an actual item, fine, that's not big deal... but it's not. The reason given is cannon and the nobility: Aqilorn has only recently been made accessible to non-nobility, and we cannot go against cannon and imply that you or your family are nobility.

We are granted titles based on level that directly imply such with Lord/Lady status. I understand that it is a show of level at 20, 40, 70, and then capped, but if it is solely for that and not for a reason to RP, then why do we have those specific titles? IF we take that aspect out of the equation we are still left with the fact that even if I weren't going around as a High Lady everywhere I wandered... I still have access to the postname title of Noblewoman because I used PPs to gain access to it. If I am going to be told that my character and/or her family cannot cannonically be considered nobility in what would be a decoration inside a private property, yet I very clearly have a premium title stating otherwise, what is the point of HAVING the premium title or having paid out my premium points to get it if I am going to be denied this aspect of RP?

I am sure this can go into MANY different threads, but I figured this would be a good starting point because part of it is dealing with titles.

Re: Cross-Post: Titles, RP, and Cannon 08/23/2018 04:46 PM CDT
I know this guy who does painting work on the side. He'll paint whatever you request... NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

Goes by the name of Michael.


I don't live in the Gemstone QC world (for which I am thankful) but I have to say that I'm a bit hard pressed for why that wouldn't be allowed regardless. It may be shockingly inappropriate to be wearing agilorn in some circles but who is to say that you still couldn't have had the painting made? Even if you were not, in fact, in possession of an agilorn garment at the time?

Now that said... maybe there are some RP opportunities to be had once word gets around that you are the kind of person that puts unsuitable and unseemly portraits on display in your very own home!

-- Robert

Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.
Re: Cross-Post: Titles, RP, and Cannon 08/23/2018 04:58 PM CDT
"unseemly portraits" -- Other-Robert




Somebody said something interesting...
Re: Cross-Post: Titles, RP, and Cannon 08/23/2018 05:31 PM CDT
Well good! That was my intent. :p

-- Robert

Due to the volatile atmosphere, random bolts of lightning can intermittently be seen streaking through the skyline.
Re: Cross-Post: Titles, RP, and Cannon 08/24/2018 12:58 PM CDT
On top of title weirdness, I have a silly/thinking question. What if if someone were to use a painting easel to make that exact painting; what would then happen? If you can supply the decoration, does it work like supplying materials for an alter?

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Myasara says, "Raining rocks down on my city was not the best course of action."
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Nishima put a group of five partially frozen corpses in the Nishima disk.
Several frozen limbs peek out of the disk in a macabre fashion.