Alchemy Sorting Containers Update 07/29/2021 02:53 AM CDT
I made some updates to these recently to address some bugs. While we generally don't make posts for bug fixes, there was an issue with these that was allowing people to change properties of gems by mixing in altered gems. This change will impact you if you use altered gems.

Moving forward, altered gems and any jars containing altered gems will be ignored by alchemy sorting containers.

I understand these containers can be used for stuff beyond their original intended purpose, which is alchemy ingredient organizers, but those uses may need a different solution. If you find the change negatively affects you, feel free to shoot me an email. I'm aware chrism sorting may be impacted, but I saw a lot of requests for them to be excluded anyway.

So, for clarity in the future
-The primary intended purpose of these bags is for helping with organizing alchemy ingredients.
-With the exception of pearl articles and nouns, these bags and jars should never change any property of the items.
-Intentionally using the containers and/or jars to alter ingredient properties is considered game mechanics abuse.
-If you find these items are doing unintentional things, I appreciate a heads up.
