Expansion of Pickpocketing Skill Use 08/10/2022 04:12 PM CDT
To me it's the old school rule of thumb-- you get to be evil or you are no longer playing DnD. GSIV has retained PP and it's pretty great, but a Rogue has a thirst for more that is not easy to quench in the lands.

#1 Place some NPCs around that could be marks-- drunken person around Helga's wandering home, some wealthy traders flaunting their fines around towns, an envoy of loot horded by a group or merchants making its way to some private storehouse or who knows but it sure is a good spot for an ambush. We see Bandits all the time but we can't do it? Come on!

#2 Let PP apply to being able to do some things in hiding that you couldn't otherwise do, such as stowing a weapon or object.

#3 Let an increase in loot finding occur with greater skill. The skill is aligned with being able to locate treasure in hidden locations, it applies to LOOT imo. Also, if you SENSE first before you kill a foe then LOOT it, the odds go up. Crude numbers might be say a 1% increase in finding something then 1% boost in the rolls to getting up the ladder on the feeder -- per 101 ranks, so 202 ranks maxes you at 2% bonus LOOTING.

#4 Let the pickpocketer try pickpocketing proprietors. If they fail, they might be banned and arrested but perhaps there's some tempting secret locations they can reach with a lot of clandestine effort?

$5 A hunting ground where Rogues and Greater Gremlins get together. They PP you and in this case, you can do it to them trying to get it back. Otherwise you must drop em and plunder.

Dragons r Real