New Skill: Engineering 06/10/2021 01:55 PM CDT
Like many skills, this directly applies to battles and utilities. In this case, the things I am thinking of include such devices as: Catapults, Dummies, Traps, Carts, Vehicles, Portable Storage, Portable Protective Structures, etc.

Imagine Engineering is learned with the same level of investment as Forging. We have schematics for all kinds of contraptions which could be obtained, then slowly formed into being by the advanced Engineer. This could have a lot of use and it could be a lot of creative fun. We might see a service for travel between cities on some specialized kind of vehicle which will slowly, possibly with a few hazards-- get you there. Or a cart that helps you lug along treasures with more efficiency. Dummies that could be set up to attract and confuse certain critters. Traps that could be sophisticated ways to get advantage in battle. Catapults to launch during invasions or to some level in higher level hunting grounds. Something that when cranked on its iron handle will slowly convert itself into a durable structure that doesn't have any visible way in.

This is without getting magical.

Dragons r Real