Casil's Premium Festival Raffles/Services 07/08/2022 01:15 AM CDT
I'll be offering a few VERY EXCITING raffles from July 9-July 11.

VERY EXCITING. Please buy tickets.
Date Time What How Many
Saturday 10:00PM EST Black Ora Jewelry* 4
Sunday 7:00PM EST Empowerable Jewelry (1000 charges) w/ 1209, 618, 606, or 215 2
Monday 9:15PM EST 7x Acuity/7x Enchanted Runestaff (premade) 2

<*Note: Black ora jewelry is premade and does not come with an alteration, however I will be sticking around after to spin for a few alterations for worn black ora jewelry.

JUST AS EXCITING. Please buy tickets.
Date Time What How Many
Saturday 8:00PM EST Black Ora Jewelry* 4
Sunday 8:00PM EST Empowerable Jewelry (1000 charges) w/ 1209, 618, 606, or 215 2
Monday 8:45PM EST 7x Acuity/7x Enchanted Runestaff (premade) 2

<*Note: Black ora jewelry is premade and does not come with an alteration, however I will be sticking around after to spin for a few alterations for worn black ora jewelry.
Re: Casil's Premium Festival Raffles/Services 07/08/2022 01:49 AM CDT
First, the empowerable jewelry is awesome.. 1000 charges? Yes please.. gimme!

Second, could the list of spells be added to please?

This list doesn't really benefit CS based clerics/empaths, and likely doesn't benefit CS based spell casters in general.

Here's my reasoning...

1209 (Dragonclaw) - this is self cast and is primarily for brawlers

606 (Phoen's Strength) - this is self cast and is primarily for melee users (and somewhat for ranged users)

215 (Heroism) - this is self cast and nearly everybody wants this (except clerics/empaths because they can already cast it and CS based spell casters)

..which leaves..

618 (Mobility) - yes, everyone wants Mobility.. except.. it's not self cast which means you can usually get it without too much difficulty (let alone the Invoker herself casts it)


While this is amazing for nearly everyone, it quickly shifts to meh for clerics, empaths, and CS based spell casters.

Re: Casil's Premium Festival Raffles/Services 07/08/2022 08:26 AM CDT
1000 charges of Mystic Focus/1711, though....