Updated Premium Point Costs - Customization of Flypaper Tattoos 06/24/2022 01:20 PM CDT
Hi all,

PREMIUM 9 has been updated to reflect new pricing for the customization of Flypaper Tattoos.

*Flypaper Designers Tattoo: Full Customization (description only) - 1000. This does not include any custom verbs, but does include the 15/15/15 OR Long description, as well as the Show description.
*Flypaper Designers Tattoo: Custom Verb (1) - 300. This does not include any alteration of the tattoo's description.

And the relevant note, just for completeness:

*- These tattoos can only be altered when they are in certificate form. Once the tattoo has been
applied, it can no longer be altered. Both Flypaper Designers and Pigments of Memory tattoo
certificates can be purchased from the shops bearing those same names at Rumor Woods.

~SGM Quilic