Banaltra ... Banana 05/15/2016 07:45 AM CDT
Thank you to Cruxophim and Jensun for closing the Wonders of Elanthia event in the Landing yesterday with a brilliant touch of humour, I was giggling for ages after this:

Speaking hopefully to Rohese, Cruxophim ventures, "Do you think there's more o' those things down there? If you dig deep enough?"
Cruxophim glances down.
Alifair shifts her weight.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Rohese exclaims, "Let's hope not!"
Rohese presses a hand to her chest, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
Alifair says, "I hope not."
Cruxophim gazes down hopefully.
Alifair mutters under her breath.
Cruxophim stamps his feet.
Cruxophim inclines his ear, listening intently.
Cruxophim puffs out his chest and stomps around proudly.
Speaking fretfully to Cruxophim, Rohese exclaims, "Don't do that!"
Rohese glances down.
Cruxophim hangs his head and glances at Rohese with sad eyes.
Cruxophim flutters his wings before they droop tiredly.
Jensun says, "Imma go wander around and see if I can find one of them banana things."
Jensun nods sagely.
Cruxophim nods sagely at Jensun.
Alifair flashes a quick grin.
Alifair says, "Let us know if you do."
Alifair clears her throat.
Jensun says, "I'm sure you'll hear the screams."
Jensun says, "This will do the trick I'm sure."
Jensun waves a mithril dagger around.
Raising his hands before him, Cruxophim quickly backpedals away from Jensun.
Jensun nods at Cruxophim.
Jensun says, "Them bananas won't know what peeled em."

A well-deserved Golden Kobold to you both. Are you available for weddings and tea parties?

>>You slay me woman! ~ Wyrom
Re: Banaltra ... Banana 06/02/2016 05:49 PM CDT

APM, Gemstone IV