Encouragement 12/01/2014 04:12 PM CST
I have been spending time in Elanthia since I think 94 to 95, and to my knowledge never received an RPA until today. Granted, I used to sing Tool lyrics on the boulder outside Wehnimer's with a certain other reprobate from Texas back in those days and had little interest in making my character anything more than the purple imflass sword I was pining for, but that's neither here nor there. I have since then spattered my experience hunting critters and merchants with moments truly in character, usually never completely out, and usually in between. Point is ...

This is still fun. Do still roleplay simple things, like killing a critter, or today, altering a pair of pants. It's worth your time, and may even reinvigorate your like of a certain game you've been playing ... forever. Thanks to whoever recognized I was giving a crap about playing my character, even if it was for a few minutes while I was a work.

Re: Encouragement 12/01/2014 07:52 PM CST
While I did not see you or give you this RP, I just want to say I love your post and attitude.

~GM Liia
Team 3P ASGM, Paid Events Guru
Re: Encouragement 12/01/2014 11:53 PM CST
Nice post.
Re: Encouragement 12/13/2014 06:01 AM CST

I'm sorry I missed this. This is encouraging. Day to day is so fun in Elanthia. Sometimes it's hard to remember that. Thank you for leaving this note and the reminder. :)