Silvergate Lounge 02/11/2014 02:07 PM CST
the room description was altered a bit and not there is a not board there. The proble is that the first 4 letters are boar the same as the way to get to the lockers as in - go boar , and now it just says can not go there as the board is firs in the description thus defaults when members try go go boar. could you please place the board well after the word boar for the lockers.

Lost and confused halfling
Re: Silvergate Lounge 02/19/2014 09:52 AM CST
Objects in a room do not always remain in the same order, they get flipped quite frequently. Therefore changing the order won't really help much. Using GO STUFFED BOAR however will ensure that you go to the correct boar each time.

~GM Luneth~