Meeting Minutes 2/1/21 02/01/2021 10:22 PM CST
House Sovyn Monthly Member Meeting
Volnes, 2 Fashanos, 5121

In attendance: Patriarch Eruheran (presiding), Numismatist Acerbe, Keeper of Rings Thailmore, Xilona, Delyorik, Kiwoeachi, Katrionna, Librarian Amminar, Lady Exchequer Leyann, and a dirty puppy

Two events this month, planned by Balley:
Feastday 13th, 9pm Elven Time - Day of Voaris and Laethe Ball
- Prizes for best dressed
- Romantic readings from Sphere and Scythe seers
- Note: event may be rescheduled to accommodate Duskruin

Feastday 27th, 9pm Elven Time - Darts in the Sovyn game room
- Food, prizes, drinks, and of course darts.

Renovations: nothing new to report on renovations or fawn adoption.
Executrix Dirvy is also working on the donation room. May not be ready this quarter.

Numismatist Acerbe reports 188,814,741 silvers in the House coffers.

Meeting adjourned and chrisms distributed.

-House Librarian Amminar