Solstice Ornament Reminder 10/08/2017 10:14 PM CDT
Hi All,

Just a reminder that the soft deadline for solstice ornaments will be November 2nd (end of day). I say “soft” deadline because that is the deadline to get them on OUR solstice tree. We will submit ornaments to go on our tree on the 3rd so that we will get them sometime in November or early December. Please submit all designs to

The hard deadline for ornaments will be November 13th (end of day). That is the deadline for the primary contest. After that date, we will compile all ornaments and our officers will vote on a winner. Our own House winner will get to choose something(s) out of our prize closet at a value to be determined later (or just take the cash value). It’ll be a decent amount of coin, you can be sure. Depending on how many entries we get, runner ups will get some prizes or if there only a small handful of submissions, everyone will get something. The winner of our House contest will move on to the big CHE contest and will compete against the other House’s ornaments. The following prizes will be awarded for the big CHE contest:

1st Place - 3 prize choices + 3 IP + the honor of coordinating next year! (IP = influence points, which go to the House. Houses use IP to help build things and buy things, such as prize closet items, merchants,…basically it is our currency).
2nd Place - 2 prize choices + 2 IP
Third place - 1 prize choice + 1 IP

Plus an experience modifying award.

Prize choices:

- Item Alteration
- Lighten or Deepen
- A custom tattoo
- A single feature alteration

There are no limits on the number of ornaments you can submit to our House contest. The only restrictions I’m putting on your designs is the must somehow incorporate the House. Be as creative as you want with that. All designs must follow the standard alter rules. I would HIGHLY recommend a show with your ornaments, as those will be favored. A show is usually 510 characters or less including spaces. I have copied previous ornaments below to help get the creative juices flowing!

a carved grey faewood sovyn clove
This ornament resembles a four-petaled sovyn blossom suspended by a silver ribbon and crafted from grey faewood. Each petal has a tiny hinge attached to the short stem. When the petals are folded inward, they create a sovyn clove. The petals are edged with silver that glow softly when light is reflected. On three of the petals, a single word is engraved in flowing script: “Head", “Hands", and "Heart". On the fourth petal, the phrase: "House Sovyn, Winter Solstice 5116" is engraved in fine script.

a delicate diamond-dusted snowflake
Each sparkling arm of the delicate flake displays an identical pattern, which at first glance appears to be quite ordinary. However, as you examine the snowflake more carefully you notice that each of the arms is in actuality a minutely detailed image of a small branch bearing three sovyn cloves and several leaves. Tied to the silvery ornament hanger and flowing down around the snowflake are narrow ribbons of green and silver silk with ornate script running along their length.
House Sovyn wishes Peace and Health to all this Solstice Season ~ 5116

a translucent crystal snow globe
The crystal snow globe is suspended by a green velvet ribbon. Inside the orb is a tiny faewood tree, its once lush foliage now nearly bare and its branches are heavy with snow. You see loose snow at the tree's base that is actually dried faewood blossoms ground to resemble snow. As you turn the globe, you watch the snow drift lazily down over the tree, swirling around the base before coming to rest on the ground. Beside the tree is a small sign that reads, "House Sovyn, Winter Solstice 5116”.

a forest green crystal ivy leaf
This crystal ivy leaf ornament contains several veins chiseled across the surface and filled in with a coating of sparkling diamond dust. The veins twist and turn at seemingly random locations save for the very center of the leaf at which point they form the outline of a pair of clasped hands. Tied to the stem of the crystal ivy leaf is a silvery silk ribbon with the following words embroidered in an ornate white script: “Happy Solstice from House Sovyn, 5116!”

a shiny triple sovyn clove ornament
Hanging from a thin white silk ribbon is a sparkling crystal sovyn clove with two additional ones dangling below, each one slightly smaller than the one above it. As the light strikes the ornament, all the colors of the rainbow can be seen reflecting off its surface. Engraved into each sovyn clove is a pair of clasped hands. Embroidered on the ribbon in a fine green script are the words: “Happy Solstice from House Sovyn, 5111!”