General Meeting minutes for 11/7/16 11/07/2016 08:55 PM CST
Present: Beloran, Acerbe (co-chair), Azona (secretary), Thailmore (keeper of the rings), Dirvy (co-secretary), Deall, Gnaeusprimus, Neshira, Katrionna, Eruheran (chair), Amminar (co-treasurer), Leyann (treasurer)

Current events:
1. One week from tonight we're having a cleric gem class plus a spiritual runestone class. Leyann would be in charge of the gem class and Dirvy the runestone class. It starts at 8:30 in the Sovyn library.

2. Next month, we'll do a "Got Chrisms?" event for Winterfest. We'll be bringing our Chrism Cheer to Icemule.

Renovations status:
1. Very soon we'll finish our shop renovations.Hopefully by our next officers meeting.

Officer induction:
Thailmore will be reinstated as Keeper of the Keys. Barreaus gave up the office because he can't be around much.

Solstice ornaments! You have 13 days to design your ornament (the 20th of this month). Rules: 1 The ornament must have a basic 15/15/15 basic description. It can have either a long or a show. It doesn't need one, but we probably won't vote for it if it doesn't have one. After 13 days, the officers will decide on the winner. 2. It must be a House Sovyn themed ornament in some way. The house winner will get 500K, which can be in the form of coins or a combination of coins and something really cool from our prize closet. The ornament will be made into a real ornament to be hung on the Solstice tree, AND the creator will get to hang it up if you show up to the event. If it wins 1st, 2nd or third place, you also get cools stuff. The house with the winning ornament hosts the event next year. The House also gets some IPs. Send your submissions to the officers' scroll address.

Treasurer's report: 183,209,142 silvers.

Meeting ended with the distribution of chrisms.

Submitted by Azona