Speaking of the Dice of Fate... 05/29/2021 12:43 PM CDT
...as I was over in the Duskruin topic for HESS requests, reminded me that, Oh, yeah! The Ranger list just got a re-write.

So my Ranger dice went from the standard 16/36 bad results, to "no longer having Mass Colors/611". It is now another (self-)attack spell, giving me a 20/36 shot at a bad result. (I admit that Whispering Willow going to Barkskin is a good change. I should remember to actually ROLL the dice from time to time, see if I get it.)
They went from three bad results [but all with good likelihood: 6 7 8] to four bad [Mass Colors was 5].
(The Major Elemental dice, for example, have five different bad results but each of lesser likelihood [4 5 9 10 11].)


With whom should I speak about possibly changing the dice to get them back to the correct equilibrium?
Re: Speaking of the Dice of Fate... 05/30/2021 10:27 AM CDT
I'll pass this along to the current script owner.

GameMaster Estild
Re: Speaking of the Dice of Fate... 05/31/2021 05:01 AM CDT
Re: Speaking of the Dice of Fate... 07/27/2021 09:04 AM CDT
Estild, can I get a 'bump' on this?

With DR coming up--and see also my HESS suggestion of "making a set of Dice of fate", with the similar linked suggestions of "change the resulting spell" and/or "swap positions of two adjacent results"--I'm wondering if there might be some possible love for these coming up.

Re: Speaking of the Dice of Fate... 08/02/2021 12:44 PM CDT
The Ranger Dice of Fate will once again cast Whispering Willow (1905) and Mass Colors (evoked 601).

GameMaster Estild
Re: Speaking of the Dice of Fate... 08/02/2021 01:25 PM CDT

I would really have preferred getting Barkskin and letting the Arcane spell be the 11th level one.
(Not, you know, that I could ever POSSIBLY have a use for a quartz orb spell, or anything... :)