Chrism questions 03/01/2021 07:40 PM CST

So I have a cleric with plenty of blessing, religion and summoning lore and a gem worth over 5k.

I tried to cast 325 at the gem and the response is that it shudders in my hand and but does little else.

If I try to make it into a chrism is says I'm not spiritually prepared.

What am I doing wrong?
Re: Chrism questions 03/01/2021 07:44 PM CST
Not every gem worth over 5k is capable of being a chrism. A bard can sing to some gems and improve the quality to the point where they are chrism quality. My best guess based on the information you have provided is that your gem is not chrism quality.

-- Robert

>> You tremble and can barely hold onto the mithril greataxe. You estimate it must be worth over a hundred million silvers!
Re: Chrism questions 03/01/2021 07:50 PM CST
> A bard can sing to some gems and improve the quality to the point where they are chrism quality.

And not every gem wants to live up to its full destiny and become an orb of power! Pretty sure it needs to be an orb gem to become a chrism.

I'd say about a third of the good quality gems never become orbs.

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Re: Chrism questions 03/01/2021 07:53 PM CST

That was it. I improved the gem and it worked. Thanks so much.