Forging cycles 11/02/2020 04:56 PM CST
Since a forging rework seems to be a pipe dream at this point...can we at least revisit forging cycles?

Should a flamberge take 7 forging cycles? A warsword 6? With a system that often takes literally hundreds of attempts to create a desirable item, should each attempt take upwards of 20 minutes? In today's gemstone, is this really the desired time requirement to make a piece with a bit of extra damage factor/AvD?

I propose weapons take a maximum of 3 forging cycles. Anything that currently takes 3 or less be changed to 1, 4-5 changed to 2, and 6+ changed to 3.

Don't worry, forging will still be an excruciating process, but at least a little shorter of one.
Re: Forging cycles 11/02/2020 07:50 PM CST
> Don't worry, forging will still be an excruciating process, but at least a little shorter of one.

Legitimately chuckled.

100% agree, would like to see any update that reduces the time spent in the system.

Re: Forging cycles 11/03/2020 05:07 PM CST
Come on, now. There's nothing more exhilarating than using a magic metal, like imflass, that requires 6 minutes per hammer a total of 42 minutes to try and get a best piece.

Even if the metal only requires 4 minutes a hammer session, that's still 28 minutes per blade. Seeing as how you generally get a best blade out of 12-15 blades....So much fun spending 6+ hours hopping to get st least one best blade.

This is what we all live for!
Re: Forging cycles 11/04/2020 11:56 AM CST
<There's nothing more exhilarating than using a magic metal, like imflass, that requires 6 minutes per hammer a total of 42 minutes to try and get a best piece.>

6 minute hammer sessions are a dream. Since everyone converted to the new 925 I've been getting mostly requests for metals with 7, 8, or 9 minute forging cycles. Aeia help the next person that asks me to make another vultite/vaalorn warsword.... they just might get my spiked pavis to their face.

I was absolutely elated when I was asked for a mithril piece that I need to hurry up and get started on now that EG is over.

Starchitin, the OG

A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.