The State of Deity Locations in the Elven Nations 12/20/2021 02:13 AM CST
FULL DISCLAIMER: Estild seems content with how things are. I say this because I don't want to appear as trying to wheedle something out of mommy when daddy said no.

Valykra, I'd like to bring something to your attention. I know you have a lot on your plate so my desire is just for awareness of the situation.

Prior to the release of Sanctify (330) this really wasn't that dramatic an issue. A bit of a nuisance at times, but you could work around it. However, now that there are mechanical advantages for clerics based on deity presence, the severe lack of options in the EN is frustratingly apparent.

I spent a fair amount of time going all over the place. I went to: Cysaegir, Skull Temple, Maaghara Tower (finally met Maaghara, that was really cool), Sylvarraend, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor, Ravelin, and all sorts of places in between. I didn't do an exhaustive search, but I didn't just poke in a couple of spots and call it a day either. Perhaps I just am not hitting the right spots. The tools we have to find these locations are literally the equivalent of looking for needles in a barn filled with haystacks.

The tool used is SENSE as a cleric or paladin.

The primary issues...

1) The number of deity locations is incredibly small for the EN as a whole.

2) There are a large number of areas that are perfect for deity presence but they don't have any (this is an issue in all areas of the game actually, but is made more apparent in this particular situation).

3) The Ta'Illistim cleric's guild has 0 deity locations. Zero! The Ta'Vaalor cleric's guild is a bit better with Leya, Kai, Voln, and V'tull (and 4 odd "Other" rooms). At least there you do get the different pantheons represented (Liabo, Lornon, and Neutral) for the smaller of the two 330 shrine bonuses.

4) Maybe they're out there, but I can't find any omnishrines (a term first coined by Estild). Omnishrines are locations that SENSE as having "the harmonized presence of multiple deities' influence." The benefit of an omnishrine is that all clerics, regardless of convert status, will get the best shrine bonus for 330 use.

5) It's quicker travel to Wehnimer's Landing or Icemule than it is to get to the top of DragonSpane Fine.

A few things...

6) To make you aware there is a particular mechanic that is not ideal. There are locations that sense as having multiple influences: Utilizing your familiarity with the divine, you sense the distinct presence of Lumnis, Ronan, and Phoen's influence in the room.

This not ideal because I tested this and these locations do not give the full shrine bonus despite being converted to one of the listed deities.

7) The biggest aspect against there being all sorts of deity locations in the EN is "elves don't really worship the arkati." Which yes, I agree with that, but.. we're picking this moment to choose RP over mechanics?

So there you go.

Again, I'm not trying to shop around and get a better answer than what Estild is giving. It was brought to my attention to bring this to your attention, and I realized, yes, that's actually a really good idea as Estild may be the wrong person to talk to about it. I don't know.

Also, if a decision is made to add more deity presences, I am more than willing to put in the work and create a list of locations and deities to make things easier for you or whichever GM works on it (if any, again, just tossing it out there, I'm not expecting anything).

Thank you.