Vote of no Confidence in Arandrowse 12/22/2016 10:22 PM CST
It has come to my attention that a meeting was held to have a vote of no confidence in the leadership of Arandrowse..

Here is a log of the meeting.

Arandrowse says, "I'm late."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Yes you are sir."
Arandrowse says, "How is The Locksmith Union."
Fahijeckcynically says, "Roshambo for andyboy."
Arandrowse asks, "Who?"
Janaetta calmly says, "I'm just curious about the Locksmith Union."
Nideaya says, "This one is free."
Kyodan says to Janaetta, "We open boxes."
Nideaya says, "Ah boom."
Fahijeckcynically says, "Tricked me."
Nideaya says,"Free again."
Nideaya exclaims, "One more time!"
Nideaya exclaims, "Bahaha!"
Janaetta calmly asks, "Any prerequsites for the Union? Besides being able to open a box?"
Nideaya exclaims, "And that is the finisher!"
Fahijeck cynically says, "It was invetiable."
Nideaya say, "Truth."
Arandrowse says to Janaetta, "Yes you need to have a bit of skill."
Gnarle asks, "How much?"
Gnarle says, "Skill that is."
Janaetta calmly says, "That was my question."
Kyodan asks, "200 locksmithing right?"
Gnarle exclaims, "I pop boxes!"
Nebby says, "Shouldnt be."
Voranos says, "No fair."
Kyodan asks, "What th' heck?"
Nideaya asks, "Welcome to family gathering and all special events?"
Janaetta calmly asks, "What's Voranos's issue?"
Gnarle says, "Just a few lessons to go then... hard to find boxes where i'm hunting now."
Nideaya says, "He wants Cayra."
Nideaya says, "Has for years."
Arandrowse whispers, "Was it Dilettante?"
Kyodan asks, "The other question is, whos Voranos?"
Janaetta calmly exclaims, "Good luck with that!"
Nideaya says, "Exactly."
Gnarle says, "As well known as me i spose."
Cayra softly says, "No and Thanks."
Janaetta calmly says, "I agree."
Cayra softly says, "I think I ate the potrait he had made of "us."
Kyodan says to Cayra, "No no, the trick is to tell him that you need a dowery of 100,000 plat, then before he can marry you, you run away."
Janaetta calmly says, "That's even better."
Gnarle says, "Locksmith Union sounds like an interesting group."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Do wah."
Cayra softly says, "I can't even stoop that low.."
Nideaya says, "Gosh, the picture I just about died, laughing over."
Janaetta calmly says, "Or would want too."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Is a dowery like a jurnal."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Very expensive jurnal."
Cayra softly says, "It was amusing.. for a moment."
Janaetta calmly says, "I think I'd rather have diarreah."
Kyodan says, "The locksmith union started with Jilette and Markhor."
Cayra softly says, "Then revolting."
Arandrowse says, "You have to be better then a Dilettante as well as be voted in by three members."
Nebby says, "Um."
Gnarle asks, "They still about?"
Kyodan says, "No."
Arandrowse says, "Actually it started with Kraelyst the Hand..."
Fahijeck cynically asks, "You have diareah?"
Janaetta calmly asks, " least 200 in lockpicking skill and then what else?"
Nebby says, "Yeah."
Arandrowse says, "Years before Jilette and Markhor took over."

Nebby asks, "Where did the 200 lockpicking skill come from?"
Kyodan says, "Well, yeah I forgot that, but the ones who made it more known where Jilette and Markhor."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Lay off the snow beast hot and spicy kerjy ma'am."
Kyodan says, "Jilette."
Arandrowse says, "I don't understand what 200 lockpicking even means."
Janaetta calmly says, "Nope. But I'd rather have that than have Voranos sniffing about."
Gnarle says, "I've popped 200 boxes i bet."
Arandrowse asks, "Does that mean you can pop a box in less then 200 seconds?"
Kyodan says, "200 lessons in lockpicking."
Gnarle asks, "Anyone mind teaching lockingpicking?"
Gnarle says, "Lock rather."
Fahijeck cynically says, "I have the biggest skill here."
Janaetta calmly says, "Prolly."
Nideaya says, "Don't mess around to much, I have to write all this down."
Cayra softly says, "In what.. we won't say."
Janaetta calmly asks, "So if I have 200 in locks, what else do I need to join the Union?"
Arandrowse says, "You need to be better then Dilettante and have three votes for you."
Kyodan says to Nideaya, "Write down that Markhor is really missed."
Arandrowse says, "By Union Members."
Gnarle asks, "Who's all Union here?"
Fahijeck cynically says, "I nominate nide as new leader."
Nideaya says, "Union scrib."
Gnarle says, "Ahh."
Janaetta calmly asks, "I would like to officially ask to join the Union. If that's acceptable to at least three members?"
Arandrowse says, "I'm the Leader."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Oh your fired."
Tallen says, "I'm the events coordinator."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Fahi towers says so."
Kyodan says, "I was the last person to be made a union member before Jilette left. Then there was a lull."
Fahijeck cynically says, "We are trying to make this enterprise uuuge."
Arandrowse says, "I was one of the last that Markhor made."
Arandrowse says to Fahijeck, "Excellent, get ontop of the TALLEST thing, and start shooting."
Gnarle asks, "I'd like to join but may take a few before i can get the requirement. anyone have disarmed boxes to give away?"
Arandrowse exclaims, "Fahi You seem to be the perfect candidate for such a special operation!"
Fahijeck cynically says, "Depends on the plats involved."
Nebby asks, "Are we going to have an actual meeeting?"
Kyodan says to Arandrowse, "I think we should restart the tradition of the Box Raffle."
Arandrowse says to Janaetta, "I need alright noted, we'll have to vote in the future."
Kyodan asks, "Are we allowed to vote maybe?"
Arandrowse asks Kyodan, "Are you voluntaring to acquire vast treasure loads?"
Fahijeck cynically says, "Say voting boxes are rigged."
Kyodan says, "Um.....I could go around asking for donations but I wouldnt be able to actually keep track of entries."
Arandrowse says to Fahijeck, "You really need to get somewhere really high to shout and scream about hugenesses."
Cayra softly says, "Sorry folks, I try to keep him under control.. but he resists."
Kyodan says, "Control is overrated."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Uuugeness sir."
Cayra softly says, "Can be fun."
Gnarle asks, "Why not be open about who you vote for? scared of them fearing rejection?"
Arandrowse says, "Exactly, this place doesn't give you the voice carry like somewhere like the top of Dragon Spire would."
Fahijeck cynically says, "I call for a vote of leaderaship in the union."
Kyodan says, "Um, we already have a leader."
Arandrowse says, "Yes we do."
Janaetta calmly says, "I don't mind you voting on it at a later date and getting back to us. Or you can discuss this in front of me. My skin isn't thin, I can take it. Either way."
Juulman whispers, "i could just shioot em in the mouth and declare you new leader"
Kyodan says to Janaetta, "Bribes are welcome."
Fahijeck cynically says, "I am the treasurer shoot em this way."
Kyodan says to Fahijeck, "Uh oh."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Do eet."
Arandrowse says, "So here is what needs to happen, we need Union members to have time to know that there is a vote for a new member coming about."
Kyodan asks, "So, do we move the meeting to a place of non violence or just clean up the blood?"
Arandrowse says to Janaetta, "As such you are being processed, if you'd accept that term."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Doubt their will be my blood unless it's jd."
Nebby asks, "Is the meeting offically underway?"
Juulman whispers, "you are fer sure cuter"
Kyodan says, "Ah declare this meetin started."
Jalika asks, "Do we not want to conduct that business now, or is this meeting about scheduling the next meeting?"
Fahijeck cynically says, "I will leave yall to your meeting considering immenent combat may be heading my way."

Arandrowse says, "Well this is a general meeting, next meeting will have more announcements, and letting people know there will be a vote on a new member."
Arandrowse says, "We will have, that is."
Fahijeck cynically says, "Ill be at megan road claiming the crown till then."
Arandrowse whispers, "I need to start tracking down more previous members."
Kyodan says, "Cant have a meeting without Harvey."
Nebby says, "'we haven't had a meeeting with him here."
Arandrowse says, "Oh and in case of any tying votes either the Leader of Harvey has the deciding vote."
Janaetta calmly asks, "Is the gelapod Harvey?"
Arandrowse says, "That's an official bylaw."
Arandrowse asks Nideaya, "Right?"
Kyodan says to Janaetta, "You never knew his name was Harvey."
Arandrowse says, "Mainly it has to do when the Leader isn't there."
Janaetta calmly says, "Nope."
Arandrowse says to Janaetta, "You poor unforfunate soul."
Arandrowse says, "We have to teach you everything."
Janaetta calmly exclaims, "I know!"
Kyodan says, "And the plant in empath guild is Audrey."
Janaetta calmly says, "Ok...I'm good."
Nebby asks, "So no new business, no old business, no minutes from the last meeting?"
Arandrowse says to Nebby, "I'll ask the Archivist."
Arandrowse asks Nideaya, "What say you?"
Nideaya says, "There was no meeting last month. Before that we had announced our requirements based on a vote."
You say, "What else would you all like to know, I got all the details."
Kyodan asks Nideaya, "Where can I get a copy of the minutes?"
Nebby says, "We've spent over a yaer, nearly two with absolutely no movement with the Union."
Nebby says, "Nothing on lockpick pricing, new members, events, anything."
Arandrowse says, "There has been movement, new Officers have been selected."
Nebby says, "Selected not elected."
Kyodan says, "There have been calls for people opening boxes so there is a need."
Nebby says, "That's not much to show for the amount of time."
Nideaya says, "I have the details and scrolls if needed."

Kyodan says, "Well someone just made some money."
Janaetta calmly asks, "Oops?"
Arandrowse says, "The Union has become more cohesive then it has been, and has had more regular announced meetings in that time span then years previously."
Nebby says, "At this time I call for a vote of no confidence regarding the leadership of the Locksmith Union."
Kyodan says, "We need to have a place where people can sign up and be processed."
Arandrowse says, "And I have no issue with people voting as such."
Janaetta calmly says, "Not that I have a say so, but that sounds like a good idea."
Janaetta calmly says, "Even by Pidgeon or something."
Arandrowse says, "Members of the Locksmith Union, go ahead vote for or against no confidence in the current leadership."
Kyodan says, "Walcar started something but it never got finished."
Kyodan says, "Drue might know about it."
Nideaya says, "Woah woah, so we are voting."
Nebby says, "I motion that Nideaya become the new speaker of the Union."
Juulman says, "Sounds like i."
Kyodan says, "She already keeps minutes."
Janaetta calmly asks, "Would you like Gnarle and I to leave for the time being?"
Arandrowse says, "Members here are Tallen, Nebby, Nideaya, Jalika, and Kyodan."
Arandrowse says, "You may not vote, but you can watch."
Kyodan says, "No punches will actually be thrown however."
Arandrowse says, "I am the leader, but will be abstaining from voting."
Janaetta calmly says, "I am familiar with how this works."
Arandrowse says, "For this particular matter."
Kyodan says, "I think first we should find out if Nideaya wants to even lead."

Kyodan asks you, "So, what say you?"
Nideaya say, "Aye, to leading."
Arandrowse says, "Those in favor of the current leader, state AYE."

Kyodan says, "I would rather go person to person cause I wanna know what everyone else thinks."

Arandrowse says, "We'll start with Tallen."
Arandrowse asks Tallen, "You're vote?"
Tallen says, "Well, I've been in the union for the least amount of time. From my experience so far, I believe I will vote for Nideaya."
Arandrowse says, "That's not how this works, you're voting for or against me."
Tallen says, "Against, then."
Arandrowse says to Jalika, "Your vote."
Jalika says, "Against."
Arandrowse says to Nebby, "And yours."
Nebby says, "Nay."
Arandrowse says to Kyodan, "And yours."
Arandrowse says, "Not a nod, please give a vote of Aye or Nye."
Kyodan says to Arandrowse, "I dont have any problems with you being leader but to have a successful Union, we have to be in agreement and so far its nye."
Kyodan says, "So against."

Kyodan says, "I'm sorry."
Arandrowse says, "And Nideaya."
Nideaya says, "Sorry, Arandrowse. I can't. Nay."
Arandrowse says, "Alright well, this was productive."
Arandrowse says, "Shortest span for a leader in Locksmith Union history."
Arandrowse says, "It will also probably take longer to move forward with a new leader, as I am the current leader I'll have to get all that stuff set up."
Arandrowse says to Janaetta, "I suggested that you could be a member, I'll have to regretfully inform you that with such a situation happening you may or may not be a Union member soon."
Janaetta calmly says, "I completely understand."
Arandrowse says, "Does anyone else have anything that they want to do."
Kyodan says, "Truthfully, before adding new members, we need to get ourselves in order frst."
Kyodan says, "First even."
You whisper to Nebby, "vote me in offically. "
Arandrowse says, "Because without the Union backing me, I'm not going to say I have much to do."
Janaetta calmly asks, "May I say something that might help a decision one way or the other?"
Arandrowse says to Nideaya, "You Are now demoted to Acting Archivist,."
Arandrowse says to Tallen, "You Are now demoted to Acting Event Planner."
Arandrowse says, "Obviously I'm acting leader, and we'll figure out how to do nominations and what not shortly."
Nebby says, "I motion that we vote to officially elect Nideaya as our leader."
Nideaya say, "I second your vote Nebby."
Jalika says, "I mostly agree with his decision, though is it in a temporary capacity?  I feel there are so few of us here."
Arandrowse says, "And I say no way, that's a big deal, and we have less then a fourth of current Locksmith Union members that are active in the realms at this event/."
Jalika asks, "How many members are there that aren't present currently?"
Arandrowse says, "If they this was such a momentous occasion more would show up."
Arandrowse says, "So again NO."
Tallen says, "Sorry, I'd like to third."
Arandrowse says to Tallen, "You thirded a issue that I will again say no to."
Kyodan says, "Personally, I would like to get Drues opinion on this."
Tallen says, "That's fine."
Arandrowse says, "It was Drues opinion and the higher ups above her that agreed for me to take Union leadership."
Arandrowse says, "However people wanted this to happen."
Arandrowse says, "I move to call for nominations for new leadership of the Locksmith Union."
Kyodan asks, "Is there any chance we can do this at the next meeting?"
Arandrowse says, "To have notices put forth in areas for Union members to see, and the next meeting will have such things happen."
Kyodan says, "I have to go, and I really cant stay longer."
Kyodan says, "If you decide to vote anyway, the side that has the most votes is declared but if it ends in a tie and my vote is needed, you know how to contact me.
Jalika says, "I agree we should have time to put forward some choices and let the larger group decide."
Arandrowse asks Janaetta, "Yes?"
Janaetta calmly says, "I suggest that you follow Jalika's suggestion."

Janaetta calmly says, "Inform the entire membership of the issue and set a date for them to be there and vote accordingly."
Arandrowse says, "I'm not calling this one done, before others suggest it is done."
Arandrowse asks, "So have at it, is this meeting over, or is there something else?"
Nideaya says, "I would like to provide some details on membership."
Nideaya says, "Pardon."
Nideaya says, "I worked for months to update the roster I have around 27 affirmed members."
Nideaya says, "Cause I had no roster to start with."
Nideaya says, "I have elven people waiting for an opportunity to be a member."
Gnarle says, "Ahh.. more than I can see on the common scrolls."
Jalika says, "Perhaps we can list membership on the boards back at the hall when the notice goes up about votes on leadership?  It would also be nice to see reps in the provinces again."
Nideaya says, "And I lucky enough to find an old roster and I am now working on affirming another around 60 members."
Nideaya says, "The union means the world to all of us."
[Nideaya says, "I am for what we all would like to see happen."
Nideaya says, "And that's a forward motion."
Nideaya says, "I have ideas for representives and support."
Nideaya says, "But it all needs you."
Nideaya says, "It needs your vote and your okay."
Nideaya says, "And I would like to get stuff done."
Arandrowse asks, "Mentor message At the endish of a Union Meeting, anyone able to get that?"
Arandrowse says, "Nothing to see there."
Jalika asks, "What's that?"
Arandrowse says, "I just yapped off a bit, sorry my mind got a bit muddled."
Nideaya says, "I would like to purpose a vote, for union members and representation. I would like everyone to be a part of this."
Arandrowse asks, "Anything else?"
Nebby says, "One more thing if I may."
Arandrowse says, "Sure."
Nideaya says, "No, sir.But you are out, and I would like to vote to be acting, until a voting can occur to make sure we have forward motion."
Nideaya says, "You can say no all you like."
Nideaya says, "But that's not a union."
Nebby says, "I would like to thank Arandrowse for getting the Union at least active and his work over to date and for his understanding and and grace with which he has held these proceedings."
Janaetta calmly asks, "Was there a majority vote?"
Nebby says, "And I make a motion that that be included in the official record of the meeting."

Nideaya says, "It will be included."
Nideaya says, "As will all cause for concerns and suggestions."
Crobin says, "Better late then never."
Nideaya says, "Hey Crobin."
Crobin says, "Sup pretty lady."
Nideaya says, "OH you know. Union business."
Crobin says, "Yeah thats why I showed up."
Arandrowse says, "Missed most of the big things."
Crobin says, "Sorry had some things needed to happen."
Arandrowse says, "Yes, well so did the Union."
Juulman whispers, "nope i was away "
Crobin says, "Oh I did not know."
Crobin says, "What have a I missed."
Arandrowse says to Tallen, "A vote of no confidence is probably a once in a life time thing, probably never happened in Union history and very well never will again."
Crobin says, "I have another member coming."
Arandrowse says, "Excellent."
Tallen says to Arandrowse, "I understand. I also believed this to be an union and thought we understood and respected the members' choices..."
Crobin says, "Be right back I will have another."
Gnarle says, "In my mind a few."
Arandrowse says, "Less then a fourth were here for that, again I'm not really for it, but I'll do this."
Kekahuna says, "Ok hiya all."
Crobin says, "Hey pops."
Kekahuna says, "Sorry."
Kekahuna says, "Just heard."
Crobin says, "He was out helping some family."
Arandrowse says to Kekahuna, "You missed a vote of no confidence for me."
Kekahuna exclaims, "No!!"
Janaetta calmly says, "Hullo Cousin."
Kekahuna says, "Arand stays."
Arandrowse says, "You are a member, do you wish to add an Aye or Nye towards or against me."
Kekahuna says, "Im with arand."
Arandrowse says, "I would like that to be added to the vote tally."
Nideaya says, "Of course, Arandrowse."
Arandrowse says to Kekahuna, "Though it doesn't change the overall results, it is appreciated."
Kekahuna says, "Sorry im late."
Arandrowse says, "Perfecrtly fine."
Arandrowse says, "I was trying to draw this to a close."
Arandrowse says, "Without their approval for leadership, I'm waiting for them to decide it is over."
Arandrowse says, "Anytime now."
Arandrowse says, "Nothing new seems to be happening."
Nideaya says, "Okay, that sounds fair."
Nideaya says, "Any questions>."
Nideaya says, "Last go?"
[23:20] Nebby says, "In that case I motion that the meeting come to a close."
Nideaya says, "I also motion this meeting to a close."
[23:20] Tallen says, "As do I."
Nideaya says, "Handled."
[23:21] Craemlorak asks, "There a party?"
Nideaya says, "Locksmithing Union meeting will be the same time next month. If anyone has any questions please pigeon."

Nideaya says, "Or talk to me personally."
Crobin asks, "So I am looking at possibly joining the union, who should I talk to then?"

Crobin says, "Its not nice to point."

Craemlorak says, "Kraelyst's club still meets, eh."
Janaetta calmly says, "I would still like to join the Union. When you get to that point."
Nebby says, "Hopefully very soon, we need active members."

Juulman whispers, "maybe now that he id gone ill join"
Janaetta calmly asks, "Do you need to see my credentials?"
Kekahuna says, "Ooh."
Kekahuna says, "Hiya."

Kekahuna says, "Sorry."
Janaetta calmly says, "Wondered when you'd see me Cuz."
Gnarle says, "Sorry i'm awake now."
Janaetta calmly says, "When you have time."
Nideaya says, "Mostly, anytime is a good time, unless, I am running from someone."
Crobin says, "Mostly me."
Janaetta calmly says, "Just let me know when you'd like to speak to me."
Nideaya says, "If we can get in new members, then we have more people to vote. I like that."
Craemlorak asks, "What did you vote on today?"
Crobin says, "Well glad I showed up, and talk to all soon."
Janaetta calmly says, "So sorry."
Nideaya says, "No no sorry."
Nideaya says, "We voted for a vote of no confidence in Arandrowse."
Arandrowse says, "We voted that there wasn't confidence in The Locksmith Union's Leadership of Arandrowse."
Arandrowse says, "There will be elections."
Nideaya says, "Of course there will be."
Nideaya says, "Are you doing to do all that?"
Craemlorak says, "How unusual."
Craemlorak says, "Generally, if you don't want the position, you just resign."
Kekahuna asks, "Sorry im late but what are the issues?"
Arandrowse says, "Nobody said I didn't want the position."
Craemlorak says, "Well, you seem awfully calm about it."
Arandrowse says, "People decided that they didn't have confidence in me being in that position."
Craemlorak says, "Ah, well, none of my business anyway."
Kekahuna asks, "And how long have you been in position?"
Arandrowse says, "It's a Union, under other leaders, they would be a bit more cutt throat, I'm not the type."
Arandrowse asks Nideaya, "Oh I'm a cut throat leader?"
Nideaya says, "You aren't a leader."
Nideaya says, "You are a dictator, that seems to never help but show up and run meetings."
Arandrowse says, "And yet, more people are now showing up for Member meetings, there are actually member meetings."
Nideaya says, "You have to be caught up on everything because you aren't ready."
Nideaya says, "Did they last month?"
Arandrowse says, "Actually despite you not being here."
Arandrowse says, "And saying there was no meeting."
Nideaya says, "Oh that's right, members showed up but you didn't."
Arandrowse says, "There was a meeting."
Arandrowse says, "But oh well, that's you're losss."
Tallen says, "Don't think I heard of the meeting myself."
Nideaya says, "Right, tallen."
Nideaya says, "I think you showed up with Crobin."
Tallen says, "I showed up when I believe I was told the meeting was, no one was there."
You hear the voice of Craemlorak say, "Well, sorry I brought it up."
Kekahuna says, "I showed up with crobin."
Arandrowse says to Caerhys, "I won't be the leader soon."
Arandrowse says to you, "I'm sorry dictator or whatever."
Caerhys asks Arandrowse in Ilithic, "What?"
Tallen says to Kekahuna, "I brought Crobin a different time."
Kekahuna says to Tallen, "I have been a member for a long while."
Tallen says, "I'm not saying you aren't. I'm saying I came with Crobin when I thought there was supposed to be a meeting and there was no one here."
Nideaya says, "Alright, lets do something. Next meeting. Bring ideas and official nominations. Everyone, please looks at the scrolls and so you can be caught up on information, so everyone is consistent."
Nebby asks, "Any chance of voting in the eleven or members in waiting?"
Nebby asks, "Or at least learning their names and information?"
Kekahuna says, "Let's do that."
Nideaya says, "I think we can for sure have a pending list, with information, as far as key goes and voting, it will have to be done after the voting of a new president."
Nideaya says, "Or official."
Nideaya says, "I think that's fair, so they take responsibility."
Nideaya says, "But they can literally be pending, in so to speak, right after elections."
Nideaya says, "Until then they come to all meetings, be apart of everything."
Nideaya says, "They just can't vote, officially."
Nideaya says, "That's fair."
Nideaya says, "But they can be very well educated on information and resource."
Nideaya says, "That gives everyone enough time to spread the word, provide lists, and everything."
Nideaya says, "The union runs on the legs of it's members."
Nideaya says, "That's just the truth."
Nideaya says, "I will provide additional obtainable information. Just ask."
Nideaya says, "I will post a timeline and check list for all members."
Janaetta calmly says, "Wow."
Nideaya says, "That's the best we can do right now."
Nideaya says, "I am doing it as the activing Archivist. And that's it."
Kekahuna says, "Im not on that list."
Nideaya says, "Which list?"
Kekahuna says, "Any of them."
Nideaya says, "Why not?"
Kekahuna says, "Been sleepin a long time."
Nideaya says, "Oh, well, welcome back."
Tallen says, "In my thoughts a moment."
Nideaya says, "Lets get you on there. If that's okay with you."
Kekahuna exclaims, "Still got the key though!"
Gnarle says, "Legendary Thieves know how to stay off lists quite well."
Nideaya says, "I saw that."
Nideaya says, "Allright, we meet next month."
Kekahuna asks, "Wher is a legenday?"
Gnarle says, "Gem.. i saw it bounce away."
Nideaya says, "Anyone else want to talk union?"
Nideaya says, "More along the lines of joining."
Juulman says, "I didnt do it."
Kekahuna asks, "Why do i not see union meetings?"
Kekahuna says, "I have to be told."
Nideaya says, "Anyone else coming?"
Caerhys says to Arandrowse in Ilithic, "I will."
Nideaya says, "Anyone else?"
Arandrowse asks Kekahuna, "See you around hopefully?"
Nideaya says, "I think that's it."
Janaetta calmly says, "You'll have to add me again."
Nebby says to Nideaya, "Thank you for taking on the responsibility."
Nideaya says, "Nebby, you are in on the responsibility too."
Nideaya says, "Just a little fyi, stinker."
Nebby says, "That will be up to the members."
Janaetta calmly says, "Sorry."
Nideaya says, "Anyone else?"
Nebby asks, "Where we goin?"
Nideaya says, "Talk union stuff."

If the union does not want Arandrowse as a leader, I feel that the GM needs to meet with Nideaya and others about removing him from leadership.
Re: Vote of no Confidence in Arandrowse 01/05/2017 09:23 AM CST

> You whisper to Nebby, "vote me in offically. "
