Lets Do Another Raffle? 08/22/2012 02:21 PM CDT
Hey guys, I reactivated recently and have a bunch of stuff in my vault I need to get rid of to make room for new stuff! We should hold another box raffle soon.

Any thoughts on this?

-Reverend Gidien

"Under the sword lifted high, there is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, and you have the land of bliss."

~Miyamoto Musashi
Re: Lets Do Another Raffle? 08/23/2012 03:57 PM CDT
>Just a question, do you have any scrips/programs/thingies that has some type of random number generator and ability to record prize winners?

I don't have anything that records, but an RNG is easy to find online for the actual raffle portion.

We could also set up a Google doc that each member can access and record their entries on. This would help keep track of who to include in the raffle and how many times they are entered.

If you see me in game feel free to stop me and we can talk about it a bit more. I'll be on later tonight.

-Reverend Gidien

"Under the sword lifted high, there is hell making you tremble. But go ahead, and you have the land of bliss."

~Miyamoto Musashi