Giving The lodge idea the Rezz it deserves...for the rest of us! 05/16/2006 03:46 PM CDT
During the game a while ago, I met up with a barb friend of mine. We talked a bit about the things every non-mage does, The latest Uber Death Spell to avoid, MR, that stuff, when someone pops in asking for recruits for some lodge. (no names will be mentioned to protect the guilty.) I thought it would be cool to inquire about joining, since a group like that would make for some good RP. They said I might join, until I decided to be honest and say I wasn't a barbarian, merely visiting a friend. They promptly left. We both thought that was unfair, so I came up with the idea for Otter Lodge. It's a lodge for anyone, be they barbarian, bard, ranger (wilderness or otherwise) or any magic user that's willing to use their skills for the good of the Lodge and in need of kindred spirits and support. Basically anyone who's tired of getting the short end of the stick for things like this.

Our little Motto is "Like an otter floating downstream, we flow with the changes of life and battle, coping with any twists or turns they take."

Being new to the whole "run a large group" concept, any help to get this off the ground is greatly appreciated!

Player of a rather annoyed Commoner
