A few notes on a new group, the Elota'i Ailirelitan'a. 01/25/2005 02:05 AM CST
Hi to everyone !

I post this to make public the organization I've been working on for the past few months... the document is written IC, and is a bit long, so I hope you can bear with it :)

As for the contact information referred to in the document, here it is :

In Game : Talk to Alexsei.
AIM : Alexsei Krauser
email : Kazuki@globetrotter.net

Thanks for your time, and hope you will enjoy !

Alexsei Krauser, Black Wing of Eylhaar


Notes on Elota'i Ailirelitan'a

By Alexsei Krauser, Black Wing of Eylhaar

I. Foreword and Introduction
II. Goals and Philosophy of the Order
III. Organization
IV. Contact
V. Afterword

I. Foreword and Introduction

When I first started getting trained in the ways of the gods, one of my mentors told me a sentence I would never ever forget... He said, "Sometimes, the gods inspire us just by placing us in a certain situation - by touching things that will make the fire of passion rise in us, and appeal to us in such a way we will find ourselves taking actions we never really thought of before." I can only vouch for the accuracy of this statement, now that I find myself writing these words.

I am Alexsei Krauser, servant of Eylhaar and soother of those about to walk the Starry Road. How I found myself in the position to write this, I do not fully know. I think necessity brings forth situations that one would not have thought of before - and I believe this is one of those situations.

This humble piece of writing will treat of the Elota'i Ailirelitan'a, the "Children of Tommorow", which is a new order I am trying to put in place, with the help of some very devoted friends. You might wonder why such a thing would come into being, what would be it's purpose, and why a human would give it a gerenshuge name... Let me just say for now it has to do with recent events, and about regaining what has been lost...

I am, of course, referring to the recent war with the Outcasts, and the condition it left Shard in. Why am I concerned, you say ? Why I, who is not really a citizen of Shard, would have something to do with this situation? There are many reasons for this. First of all, my dear wife and her sister are elothean, which put me in contact with their intriguing culture and of course, introduced me to Shard, the houses, the Ferdahl... And the state in which all of these is today which is, to say the least, shocking to me. Which is why I chose to use a Gerenshuge for the name of this order - to honor the elotheans, their culture... and those who died trying to preserve it. I chose to put this together to help restore Shard, and that part of the elothean and elven culture, to their former glory - and to give the crystal tower back to its rightful inhabitants.

I do this, because I believe it is time for we who would fight for Shard to unite, and coordinate our efforts in order to make a difference...

I am Alexsei Krauser, and I am also one who will make sure the people remember the dead, and all that they have died for... And make sure they haven't died in vain.

Come with me now, if you would tread my path...

II. Goals and Philosophy of the Order

Unfortunately, war is a bane that no intelligent race can boast no knowledge of. It scars the land and the people, and leaves marks that take a lot of time to heal...

The recent war with the Outcasts is no exception. Shard is now an open wound in the middle of Illithi, despite the appearances that the strorm has passed. Guards patrol the town constantly, weary of threats to the reign of their king, Raenilar. The elotheans that passed the Outcast checkpoint on their way to Shard to receive a passport can only attest of the unfair treatment Raenilar's followers inflict upon them : Their passport is valid for a considerably shorter period of time, legally lasting for one day only when travelers of other races are given four days to go about their business. The Outcast are also a lot harsher and threatening for the elotheans, which makes Shard very inhospitable for them.. A very deplorable situation, considering this place was their very home...

Now, many would remember the order called the Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a - The thinkers of the people. This extraordinary order had taken upon itself to study the lore and history of Shard and Illithi, keeping its culture alive and sharing its infinite beauty and secrets with the people. The pursuit of knowledge is ever a noble goal, and even more so when one decides to share it with his brothers and sisters... The works of the Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a are truly astonishing, and have been invaluable in my quest for knowledge on Shard, the elotheans, Illithi... I would have loved to be able to serve their cause, and would have followed their will with loyalty and pride...

It is also with great regret that I talk about this great order in the past tense, as the Thinkers of the People are now inactive, their members scattered... The disappearance of the great circle of scholars left a position that, as sadly as it makes me, most people fail to see as a lost treasure. Someone should be instructiong the people, just like they did - even if only until the Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a are reborn from their ashes and continue their given duty... And this is what I strive to do. To continue to instruct, inform, and educate the people about Shard's culture, traditions, and customs - but also working endlessly to its restotration, towards the reign of a new ferdahl, and the return of power to the elotheans.

Far from me the idea of taking what the Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a built for my own, or pretending I can do it better... That is not my purpose at all. The Thinkers, and all those that worked to the fullfilment of their duties, forever have my utmost respect and admiration... I seek to find the people taht still wish to work for the people of Shard and Illithi, and to honor the wonderful culture of the elotheans and elves... And those that died for it. That is why I do not seek to restore the Fyearikloa'i Rensh'a... This is something these people built, and it is theirs, and theirs alone.

Which is why I chose to create the Elota'i Ailirelitan'a - the Children of Tomorrow.

As of now, the Children have three main goals :

1. The Restoration of Shard, bringing the great city back to it's rightful citizens and under the rule of a new ferdahl.
2. The protection of any Shard refugee that might be in danger since the war, or who seeks shelter from the present rulers.
3. The protection and propagation of elothean and elven culture, as well as the education of the people concerning the war and its real consequences... Fighting ignorance is a priority.

Those are our reasons to exist. The reason why the Elota'i Ailirelitan'a came to be. and until the first one is fullfilled, the second one secured and the third one maintained, I will continue to go on and give everything I have to make these dreams come true, even if I am the only Children around.

Until then... The Elota'i Ailirelitan'a will continue to fight, no matter how small their numbers.

III. Organization

I do not overly enjoy this part of the planning, for I would like more to think of the Elota'i Ailirelitan'a as a group of people supporting each other to achieve a greater cause... But one must be realistic, and understand that an order such as this cannot survive without at least a bit of organization...

As such, looking at the needs of the Elota'i Ailirelitan'a in relation in what the order strives to accomplish, I have determined that there should be three major groups within the order, and that the three should be able to function independently, although cooperation will be one of our greatest assets. Each group would need to have one "leader", who would be responsible of planning and organizing the diverse operations as decided by the order. These leaders would also be responsible of every person under them, and would have to ensure the security of their fellow children.

The three subdivisions I envision would be as such:

The Watchful Wind : The Watchful Wind would be the ones responsible for information gathering, message transmitting between the various members, and the such. Thus, this group would be in need of those capable of walking among the enemy unnoticed, of listening when people are not suspectingbut also those capable of traveling great distances quickly and tracking down and finding specific people, for example. The Watchful Wind will be the eyes and ears of the order, but also its nervous system, making the contact between the various members across Elanthia possible.

The Enlightened Murmur: The Enlightened Murmur would be composed mainly of the scholars who would have the responsabilility to research the elotheans's and Illithi's history and customs, and to share their findings with the people. They would also fill the roles of thinkers and diplomats, and would be the voice of the order should it be needed. Should we ever come across orphans or other children refugees seeking refuge, the Enlightened Murmur would aslo be responsible to take care and educate the children. The Enlightened Murmur would be our voice and our brain, negotaiting and educataing along the way, for knowledge is a great weapon, and as its wielder we have a great responsability towards the people.

The whisper of Steel: The Whisper of steel would be the defenders, our guardians and our protectors. I would like to say we are peaceful, and will accomplish our mission without any need to raise weapons... I am a peaceful man myself, and would love to be able to do as such... But once again, one must be realistic. There will be danger. There may be armed conflict. And in these moments, it is on the Whisper of Steel we would fall back... They would also be responsible for escorting members of the other groups on their various missions, and to protect any refugees or resident of Shard person seeking asylum... The Whisper of Steel would be our arm, and our sword to strike if needed.

I am a devout believer on democracy, even though there are some who say true democracy is impossible and as such the concept is flawed. As such, I believe each member should have an output and his right to expess his or her feelings about the order and the direction it takes... Meetings will be held within the inner circle, people that will be chosen as representatives to the leadership of the Children. The leaders of the groups will also be chosen by the members, and will become a part of the Inner Circle. It will be the responsibility of the leaders to take suggestions from the people under him or her, and transmit it to the Circle.

I do not want to go into too much strict rulings and policies. The order is based on the desire to help, and will not be too restrictive as to actions of its members... There will be one rule, however. Any action taken by a member that would endanger the other members, parts of the Elota'i Ailirelitan'a, or the goals of the order, or taht violates or goes against the goals or the philosophy of the Children will not be tolerated. Such actions should be dealt with in an appropriate manner depending on the action itself.

IV. Contact

For the time being, communication with the organization goes through myself, and I would be the one to address if you wish to ask questions or enlist as a member. You can find how to communicate with me with the information accompanying this document. This will change with time, most probably, and when so, I shall inform of the changes myself.

V. Afterword

Here, you have outlined, in a short text, our dream for Shard, and the future.

Will we succeed ? Only time will tell.

But this is my vision. I have seen in Shard, in the peaceful people that are the elotheans, and in Illithi and its people, a cause worthy of fighting for. For the sheer love of this rich culture... And in rememberance of those that departed to preserve it. People that fought in the war. Patriots, that died fighting the Outcasts. The great late ferdahl, lady Kukakalai. For all these people that have come before and have departed, but also for those that are witnessing the consequences of the war now, for the children, and those yet to be born...

Because no one else we do it, people of the realms must become the children of today, to ensure that there will be a tomorrow for these people... I will walk this path, and I will not give up.

And what about you, who have read this through the end ?

Will you walk this path with me ?

- Alexsei Krauser
246 Moliko 377