Cabalist Title Ideas? 09/08/2013 03:11 PM CDT
Hey all. I'm trying to think of possible new titles that the guild could use and am hitting a mental block. I'm hoping we could get more of the titles in the similar vein as "Fire Lion" where you know all the spells of one book and none of the opposing book. Preferably I'd like to get a good one of the Water book, but I'd like to hear peoples ideas for more titles like this for all the elements. Thoughts? Ideas?
Re: Cabalist Title Ideas? 09/08/2013 03:27 PM CDT
slippery salmon?
wet seal?
polar bear!
that's all I got...

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Cabalist Title Ideas? 09/08/2013 08:09 PM CDT
>I'm hoping we could get more of the titles in the similar vein as "Fire Lion" where you know all the spells of one book and none of the opposing book

I had no idea Fire Lion was like the cabalist titles. I can't really think of any similar titles from the lore, either.
Re: Cabalist Title Ideas? 09/08/2013 09:05 PM CDT
Jeoldor nomlas
Winter salmon/nomlas

Jalbreth denenshon/delenshon
Fish King/Queen

Jeol negei
Ice Fox

Selvil getha
Whirlpool Wizard

Murchban hegessger
Mist Knight