Air Book Title Question Thing 12/04/2006 06:25 PM CST
I'm a circle or two from getting another spell (at least I hope...been a couple circles with nothing new) and am angling towards that Taisal Getha/Aeromancer title and I'm only two spells short: Shockwave and Tailwind.

Question is this: if I get Tailwind, will I get the title since Shockwave is on preview?
Tailwind would be far more pragmatic, obviously, and at this level (32nd) useful since I'd like to hunt scout ogres.

However, I've wanted a character to have Shockwave since it was first announced as a planned spell like..what, six/seven years ago? I'm planning on pausing from the game for a month or possibly more as I go off to pursue professional pursuits, and it may be that Shockwave will be fixed and working when I come back and I'll be sorely upset that I'd have to circle three or four more times to get it.

So anyways, the question being, does Shockwave count towards knowing the whole book?
Re: Air Book Title Question Thing 12/04/2006 08:05 PM CST
>>So anyways, the question being, does Shockwave count towards knowing the whole book?

Any spell on preview shouldn't count as a requirement for titles. If you can't get the title and Shockwave is the only Air spell you don't have in your spellbooks, let me know and I'll pass it on to the title folks so they can get it fixed.

- GM Wythor

The plain and simple truth is that the truth is rarely plain and never simple.
Re: Air Book Title Question Thing 12/04/2006 08:17 PM CST
Many thanks for the quick reply.

And I'd like to use this opportunity to apologize for using the phrase 'pursue professional pursuits'. Thank you.
Re: Air Book Title Question Thing 12/06/2006 09:46 AM CST
In the chapter entitled "Air Manipulation," you have notes on the Zephyr, Tailwind [tw], Paeldryth's Wrath [pw], Swirling Winds [sw], Vertigo [vert], Thunderclap [tc], and Y'ntrel Sechra [ys] spells.

No Taisal Getha title, no Aeromancer title. I'm missing only Shockwave and Air Bubble

Re: Air Book Title Question Thing 12/09/2006 03:41 PM CST
Yep, no go with Tailwind. I had forgotten about Air Bubble, but that's a scroll spell or whatever. Now, are preview spells usually in the list of spells that guildmasters tell you are available? I don't seem to remember that they usually are, and maybe that's what is causing the problem. Anyways, the only one I have left is Shockwave and still don't have Aeromancer/Taisal Getha available. So this is me letting you know. Although Tropicalo already did...
Re: Air Book Title Question Thing 02/10/2007 06:16 PM CST
Just to beat the horse that's dead, I decided to burn through circles so I could get another spell slot and try to spend it on Shockwave, even though its on preview, so I could finally get the Aeromancer title. Didn't realize that you couldn't choose a spell that's on preview, so it is impossible to gain that title.

I am now officially blaming the little pudge that's formed on my belly on the GMs. For shame.

On a sidenote, it would be neat if there could just be a plain ol Air Wizard, Fire Wizard, Earth Wizard, that goes into the title list in addition to the Gamgweth version...I think it sounds better than 'mancer' and not everyone is versed in gamgweth. Further, does this Shockwave dealie affect the Aerial Doom title? I'm not sure I've seen anyone with the title before...Aerial Fury, maybe, but that only requires 5 spells, Aerial Doom recalls all offensive spells--which I assume would include Shockwave.

Okay, me stoppie now. Time to go burn off that pudge. grumbles