Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 01:38 AM CDT
Today I was carving my first talisman. It started to take the shape of a gerbil. Before I finished it, I was able to summon my familiar. It showed up and people interacted with it. I continued to carve the talisman and eventually broke it.

I started on another talisman and before I finished it, I was able to dismiss my current familiar.

I think something is broken if I can summon a familiar with a "still in progress" talisman.
Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 08:34 AM CDT

Can you post a log of your carving? You could always summon a familiar on the last or second to last step if you carved it well enough. If you keep carving it then it will always break.
Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 09:41 AM CDT
Not sure where logs are kept, nor if I have logging enabled.

But it was pretty far along, so what you say makes sense.
Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 09:55 AM CDT
When carving, if you see the messaging about bringing out fine details, you are done. It will never make you stop carving, you can just keep going and break it.

I believe after that point you need to rub it to finalize but I can't remember exactly because I haven't had to carve a Talisman in about 80 circles...

- Starlear, Warrior Mage and Lieutenant of Ilithi's Crystal Vanguard -
Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 10:40 AM CDT
Firebreathingbear's talisman was still a rough gerbil talisman - he hadn't carved the fine features yet. He was able to summon a gerbil at that point, tried carving the fine features into the tailisman and it broke. The gerbil remained.

There's a window in the top left of Stormfront (probably underneath the windows you have open) that allows for opening/closing windows and logging but I don't know if logging the story window is default on or if you have to set it.

Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 01:11 PM CDT
You can always dismiss a familiar no matter what, you don't even need a talisman.

I also thought you needed to rub the talisman?

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 05:54 PM CDT
I was the one guiding him through the steps. Here's how it went down, mostly exactly although I might be missing a few actions that he had done that don't message the room, such as attempts to command a familiar or something:

1. He rubbed his talisman.
2. He carved it until it was a rough gerbil talisman.
3. He summoned his tan gerbil.
4. He carved one more time, and failed to complete the fine details step and the talisman broke. I'm not sure if the final step failed because of skill or because he technically had a familiar out even though it was tied to the one he was carving.
-At this point he had a gerbil familiar out and no talismans. This is the part that was a bit weird.
5. He attempted to create a second talisman which ended up being a guinea-pig, but it broke when trying to complete the fine details. Again, I don't know if this was a failure due to skill or because he had a gerbil out.
6. I did a mech lore prediction on him at this point and he carved a third talisman, which ended up being a lizard, and stopped at rough lizard talisman.
7. He desummoned his gerbil.
8. He successfully complete the last step to bring out the fine details and ended up with a lizard talisman.

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Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 10:29 PM CDT
>>2. He carved it until it was a rough gerbil talisman.
>>3. He summoned his tan gerbil.

That has been a 'feature' or bug for a very long time. I think it has something to do with once it reaches a certain level of progress maybe when the creature type is displayed, (gerbil in this case) is finially reached it sees it as a full talisman as far as summoning. However finishing carving has a secondary check for skill, if you don't have enough you will break it every time, it feels harsh at the time but you just have to get a few more ranks or booster. (health effects carving to, and maybe worn armor, but just barely)

>>4. He carved one more time, and failed to complete the fine details step and the talisman broke. I'm not sure if the final step failed because of skill or because he technically had a familiar out even though it was tied to the one he was carving.
-At this point he had a gerbil familiar out and no talismans. This is the part that was a bit weird.
>>5. He attempted to create a second talisman which ended up being a guinea-pig, but it broke when trying to complete the fine details. Again, I don't know if this was a failure due to skill or because he had a gerbil out.

Failed cause of the hard check on mech. Having a fam out at the time of carving should not have any bearing. I'm pretty sure if you never finish carving the talisman you'd never break it and still have the ability to summon the fam. At least it used to work that way.

~Worrclan, Dwarf of the Realms-
Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 11:11 PM CDT
Hey, thanks for everything yesterday. You were immensely helpful!!

I felt bad because you thought I was new, but in reality, I simply haven't played in about 15 years. So in some ways I am new (as so much has changed). I promise to pay forward all your kindness and generosity.

Thank you again!
Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/18/2015 11:31 PM CDT
Everyone that hasn't played recently might as well be new. We're just happy to share the addiction.

Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/19/2015 01:35 AM CDT
Dude if you haven't played for 15 years that makes you more than new enough for my books given the vast difference between then and now. Happy to have been of help.

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Re: Early Summon, Broken Talisman 03/19/2015 07:20 PM CDT
>> Dude if you haven't played for 15 years that makes you more than new enough for my books given the vast difference between then and now. Happy to have been of help.

Thank you, mate.

"Technically correct" is the worst kind of correct.