Consignment system 02/06/2016 06:54 PM CST
Maybe this has been suggested before, I looked a bit and didn't see it so I'm putting it here. I'm not the most social player so I'm not great at seeking out traders to sell my items. Neither is my friend who I convinced to play last year (whose main complaint about the game seems to be that it's not like other rpg games where you collect items and then sell them for a decent price easily, usually at a shop).

So I'm wondering, can't we have a consignment system for our items? I'm imagining a counter in the trader plazas that would function somewhat like the counters in crafting societies - you leave items there and write down a price range you'd like to get for it, and there's a cap on the number of items you can leave and for how long, say 10 items on the counter for x number of days (to keep people using it as a vault space). Traders can check the consignment counter and take any items they want for their shop and consign them for a set number of days. If it sells they keep a cut, if it doesn't then it returns to the counter and the consigner is notified to pick it up in x number of days or forfeit it. The consigner's profits if the items sell would go to the counter too and the consigner could check there periodically (or be notified to) to pick up their money. I'm also thinking there'd be a timer on items consigned so that people couldn't abuse it as a vault space - like an item that doesn't sell can't be consigned again for x number of days. Maybe this system could also be used for auctions too?