Player-owned Caravans QoL suggestions 09/27/2015 08:06 PM CDT
So yesterday I was inside my caravan which I've had for quite some time and managed to accidentally happen across a few interior customization verbs which are not documented anywhere in game to my knowledge. They'll be on the wiki shortly. I'd like to make a couple of minor suggestions, however, to improve discovering what your customization options are in game and also in the hopes that any I'm missing will be revealed.

1. Currently, in order to look at the furniture items you don't have obviously displayed you have to use LOOK FURNITURE, and "FURNITURE" cannot be abbreviated at all. This is a pain, particularly since the room description isn't the clearest about what to even look at because of the flowery description: "Placed around the interior, you see: some furniture and other bits of interest." Being able to abbreviate furniture would be a huge improvement just on it's own.

2. You can TAP any of your furniture items to toggle showing them in the "You also see:" line or hiding them in the above general furniture group. I had no way of knowing this and completely stumbled across it by accident when trying to figure out which table was which. Also, you can TURN DOOR in order to lock and unlock it to allow others free access to your caravan or not. I discovered this only because I started randomly using verbs on my furniture items after discovering the TAP verb. Perhaps STUDY FURNITURE (abbreviation friendly) could be added to get a list of verbs that interact with the furniture items in your caravan.

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Re: Player-owned Caravans QoL suggestions 10/02/2015 09:14 PM CDT
Did you try study room?


Re: Player-owned Caravans QoL suggestions 10/02/2015 09:28 PM CDT
I thought I did, but just to be sure I checked again in my logs and I had done 'study roo.'

Doing a quick test now that I see that output shows that 'PEER WINDOW' can't be abbreviated either.

Have I mentioned how much I hate syntax that can't be abbreviated? Like, a lot.

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