Trader Shop Workrooms 08/23/2015 01:36 AM CDT
Talking to a friend about some things in the shop, got me thinking of ways the shop could be enhanced to be a little more beneficial.

WorkAreas: Is there any way to make another room, or add a function to the backroom, that allowed it to be safe from janitor mechanics for a set number of items. I know that sometimes when I am in the middle of making a bunch of things, I often drop things on the ground so that I can work on numerous items simultaneously. But can be highly risky. I would think that crafting Traders probably do something similar.

So it would be nice to have, say, a work area or something of the sort that they could have like 10 items in, that are safe from being deleted by clean up mechanics, or accidental logout. This may not be useful to some. But I know for me, sometimes having space is nice to be able to sort things out on, or separate different kinds of items. Having some safety would just offer a peace of mind when doing so, hopefully without really asking a lot out of resources.

Stockroom: Pretty self explanatory. Basically a mini vault inside the shop, where you might store rotated stock, or keep extra items that are being planned to sell.

Dispenser: Something that will serve out numerous items of a particular kind individually until it runs empty. Needs to be restocked with identical item. This is good for things like selling ammo, potions, remedies, material, etc, or any other item that people may buy in numerous quantities.

Re: Trader Shop Workrooms 08/23/2015 06:27 AM CDT
Dispensers sound like how the tables currently work. Can you explain the difference?
Re: Trader Shop Workrooms 08/23/2015 08:01 AM CDT
I like the idea of expanding trader shops a lot. I wouldn't mind a workshop addition, especially if one could build his/her own crafting room with items such as crucibles (maybe smaller capacity), anvils, forges, etc.

Also, I wouldn't mind seeing a drop box option for outside the shop. You could specify what item(s) are accepted via drop box and have set prices paid out per piece. Maybe it could have a maximum capacity of 20 or 30 items.


That would allow for 30 stone masterfully crafted non-alloyed high carbon steel scimitars with a payout to the crafter of 10 platinum Kronars.

Funds could be pulled from the shop balance. The list of items accepted by the drop box could be displayed when you read it. I like this concept because it integrates player-player interaction with the crafting system and trading plazas.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Trader Shop Workrooms 08/27/2015 08:22 PM CDT
<<Dispensers sound like how the tables currently work. Can you explain the difference?>>

Sure. It's a little different, and meant to handle things you have mass quantities of(arrows, herbs, remedies, etc). So instead of laying down 10, 20, or 50 arrow bundles, you can set up an arrows in a dispenser, with 200 arrows, that people can purchase 1 or maybe more at a time from, to whatever quantity they desire until it runs out. Saves a little time on restocking, and offers people more option of quantities to purchase. Maybe someone can only afford 3 right now, but want to buy more later, etc. Or someone lost a couple, and want to replace just that amount.
