Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 04/30/2015 04:48 PM CDT
Since the Trader Tables are now very rarely used, I was curious if the overall mechanics could be made more very young trader friendly, like lowering the requirement to 10th circle, as well as removing the hour wait time between renting tables.

The hour wait time made sense back when all the traders were trying to get in there to sell stuff, but now it is just a huge ghost town.

I think that giving this outlet to younger traders would encourage overall Trader RP and be a good place for young characters/explorers to hopefully get cheaper gear as well.

Linett (yes, who isn't a Trader.)
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 04/30/2015 06:14 PM CDT
If the tables are going to have a lot more turnover, I'd suggest allowing them to access runners for a cost built in to the table rental fee.

Especially for lower level characters.

Or allow non-traders to rent the tables for a hefty fee and a large circle requirement (say 50+), for a few hours. They have to maintain their shops, so can't leave, etc.
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 04/30/2015 06:42 PM CDT
I'm with Linett! I have a trader alt, and I love, love playing her. But having tables at 20th circle and shops at 30th seems a little lopsided. I'd rather engage in Trader RP than beg for classes or run caravan routes constantly. I think the ability to rent a table at a lower circle would be a huge boon for young traders. And, like with shop surfaces, it can be tiered:

10th circle: Rent 1 table
15th circle: Rent 2 tables
20th circle: Rent 3 tables
25th circle: Rent 4 tables
30th circle: Eligible for shop

I also like the suggestion about the runners.
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 04/30/2015 08:46 PM CDT
I can see the wait time, but not the 20th circle. It takes nothing more than a day or 2 to get to circle 10. I don't want to see a bunch of people just making alts to 10th so they can bypass real traders.

That said, if you are running real traders, how hard is 20th???? It should be able to be done in less than a month. I mean if you are having problems, say where and we can help?

Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 04/30/2015 08:57 PM CDT
>>That said, if you are running real traders, how hard is 20th???? It should be able to be done in less than a month. <<

I'm not going to lie... I thought exactly this. Hitting 20th and even 30th circle is extremely simple.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 04/30/2015 09:58 PM CDT

> 10th circle: Rent 1 table...

Honestly, lower it to 5th circle. It'll give young traders a reprieve from caravans since they teach so poorly at that level. They can use mags for the first 5 levels, then tables, then pouches around 10th, then 2nd table around 15th.
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 04/30/2015 10:48 PM CDT
I am 19th circle and still using Mags exclusively for my trading ranks. It's a cinch to cap trading through Mags tasks, but it's also pretty boring.
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/01/2015 12:36 AM CDT
Well none of you who think it is so easy to make 20th circle are running tables, so what is the harm overall if the circle requirement were lower?

Overall no one, almost ever, is running tables.

And not every person scripts all their skills to circle lots. Some people RP more, or whatever, so maybe my idea is more just to give alternative ways to learn trading or RP as a trader than grinding trading on routes or with Mags all day or listening to classes.

Plus I would overall like to see younger traders involved in trying to sell stuff, interact with the people as a whole as "traders" besides gem pouches and bundles. Instead of the overall lacking entirely in trader RP interaction of buying stuff in the plaza.

Linett (who does have a trader alt who isn't even close to 20th yet!)
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/01/2015 06:19 AM CDT
I'm not arguing against it. Just saying we don't need it for the experience gain. I would enjoy the opportunity for trader role-play earlier on, but I wonder if us youngins can offer anything meaningful on the tables. I honestly don't know since I'm still fairly new to the game.
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/01/2015 07:24 AM CDT
I think something should be done with the tables, it's a shame to see them sit idle. On the other hand, lowering the reqs for them smells like an open invite for mule traders to sell things for their alts. There's already plenty of that happening, why encourage it. If anything, I think the shop reqs should be higher than 30th.
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/01/2015 07:35 AM CDT
Under old exp, 30th felt too low for shops. Current exp gains, 10th is what, an afternoon? Way to low to be unlocking something as 'defining' as tables.

Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/01/2015 08:25 AM CDT

> Under old exp, 30th felt too low for shops. Current exp gains, 10th is what, an afternoon? Way to low to be unlocking something as 'defining' as tables.

I'm the other way. I see buying and selling to players as the core of the trader experience. I see this the same as healing for empaths, summoning for warrior mages, communes or rejuves for clerics, or using glyphs for paladins. I think it's fine to be less efficient, but you shouldn't block it out entirely.

Maybe, just maybe, I would feel differently if it was a limited use resource that dedicated traders (mains) were using, but they're not. It's just collecting dust. Either open it up to new traders who may actually use it, or just replace the tables with more shops.
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/01/2015 08:29 AM CDT
I am less concerned about the incredibly low circle 30 requirement and more so about putting all 8 of my surfaces on the sales floor (I hate the stagnant back room surfaces concept). A shop is a huge advantage. Huge may even be an understatement. To be able to have access to that so early on is an incredible bonus to being in the trader guild.

As for tables in the tent, I think it's a resonable concern if you make the requirement too low, mule accounts will just go bonkers. From an RP POV, it makes sense to have to put some time into your character in order to start running a business, whether it be in a tent or a posh shop.

All that said, I do like that people are finding the trader guild more and more sexy. Maybe more involvement will lead to faster development!

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/01/2015 08:31 AM CDT
Double post bomb!!!

Maybe instead of having up to 8 surfaces, one could trade 3 surfaces for 3 pieces of crafting equipment in the back room.

Exmaple: an anvil, forge and grindstone.

"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/01/2015 03:00 PM CDT

To be perfectly clear

I mean the TABLES in the TENT.

Not the Shops. I am not suggesting any change to the shops.

There is practically Zero RP involved in the shops or selling or buying stuff for the majority of the DR population with a few Trader exceptions.

Everyone uses the shops, almost no one uses the tables.

Young people (real young people, not alts/mules) cannot really touch a huge huge percentage of the items in most Plaza shops.

Plus the more opportunities there are overall for people to be forced to interact face to face and have a conversation or do a transaction or something in DR the better for the entire RP community.

I am just trying to suggest ways to foster RP instead of scripting or no trader / other person present Trader/shopping experience.

And I think outdated mechanics shouldn't stand in the way of a possible RP avenue for younger/newer traders, hence the heartfelt suggestion.

And while I have a small alt trader, it is very much more likely I would just hand backpacks full of things to actual young/new traders who wanted to sell on tables, so they could earn coin and learn trading and RP. :)

Linett. Yes, again.
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/03/2015 04:18 PM CDT
Just to throw a question out there tho... what young trader has enough to coin actually keep stock in what people normally buy off tables? The only traders we'd see running the traders would be alts of other guild primary characters. Now I do see a lot of other guild people with random stuff to sell, maybe if we ever get a guild mentor again... we could start hosting some interguild events, yard sell types, and let the novices sell for those? I just see too much of our guild being used for mules and true guildmates not being able to find space if we go that route. I'd be up for doing it for a bit to test, but if it gets too full raise the reqs so it's not as hard as it is to find a Crossing shop lol.

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"

Train? Why? I'll get there eventually...
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/11/2015 06:29 PM CDT
Sure I'm eligible to have a table at the bazaar or rent one but my problem is not having any contacts to sell any wares (armor, weapons, tools). Also don't have the coin or really even know enough to speculate on what would be cool to buy at a fest, sit on it for a few years and hope to turn around and sell it for a profit? Just like any other guild the elders/high circle Traders have the coin and items to corner their markets and I'm fine with that. Does it incentivize younger Traders to try to break in and find their niche? Not really.

Heck, I haven't run a contract in over a year and get all my trading experience from work orders (bronze knitting needles pay me nicely) or gem sales (I'm currently the resident gemologist in Riverhaven). Did my first horse transfer and it was quite an experience (managed to somehow lose my pony in the process, because I didn't STORE it...funky mechanic).

I just want to eventually get my marker's mark in blacksmithing and maybe carving (am eligible now but can't find anyone to craft them so I'll probably end up crafting them myself).

Balkinar, resident gemologist of Riverhaven
Re: Suggestion - Trader tables in the Tent 05/12/2015 08:48 AM CDT
I'm waiting for the time that the get rid of the tent and move the tables to the first level of the plaza, it'll make shopping so much nicer I think!

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"

Train? Why? I'll get there eventually...