Guild Event Suggestion - Flea Market Sales 05/18/2013 12:47 PM CDT
Hi all traders, both novice and masters:

I'd like to suggest a sales event, maybe even one before or after the fest. Rajara and I were messing around and doing a rummage sale in TGSW where we brought out our containers, hers her caravan and my little backpack, and did old-fashioned trading. I know we get approached a lot by people to sell stuff so maybe this is one where we can all gather together as a force and just hawk items in containers or in our caravan storage box, like a mini flea market and we can even invite non-traders to do the same. The name of the game is to sell and make money so its a good free-for-all concept. If you guys want to do something like this let me know and we can try and schedule one so that everyone can come out for it.

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