Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/20/2014 06:24 PM CDT
As a character :
What if we do not want to provide others with pouches and ropes? Previously with attendants someone had to ask me for a pouch and a rope and i could refuse if i wanted to. Now, all they have to do is ask my caravan for it, as long as i am present in the room. They do not need my approval to use my services. It's like my caravan is a generic NPC game asset.

But what if it is my policy to not provide others with free stuff?
A. They can simply to go the gem shop or the furrier if they want a pouch or rope, travel required.
B. They can use the outfitting system to create a pouch or use braiding to braid a rope.
C. they can ask, provided i agree, i can hire a hireling for a pouch or rope.

so why must i (my caravan) provide them free to others at a convenience to them? I feel that we should be able to turn this function on or off.
Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/20/2014 07:59 PM CDT
You might think i'm crazy, people always think i'm crazy. so i propose the following :

You feel your pockets get lighter, You doubt it was a donation. You lost a gem!
You feel your pockets get lighter, You doubt it was a donation. You lost a gem!
A thief comes out of hiding.
A thief asks your caravan for a gem pouch.
A trader's gemologist says, "sure! here's a gem pouch good sir!"
A thief fills his pouch with 2 gems from his backpack.
A thief tells you, "Thanks man"

this is the first thing that came to my mind when i saw this. I just wanted to explain where i was coming from. if the caravan limited requests to just the trader that owns it, this situation would not occur.
Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/20/2014 08:54 PM CDT
>this is the first thing that came to my mind when i saw this. I just wanted to explain where i was coming from. if the caravan limited requests to just the trader that owns it, this situation would not occur.

Because thieves never steal from anyone except to get free gem pouches.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/21/2014 08:41 PM CDT
Is my Driver moonlighting in gemology or am I now lugging around this extra "trader gemologist guy"? In all seriousness the original poster has some valid points about making this feature an option. Do I wish to have this fellow along? Perhaps I can become skilled in gemology and Elanthians can ask me for gem pouches directly. I'm sure this is all leading to buying pouches down the road... and that's great. But this service shouldn't be forced and I need some clarification on this "guy" riding around in my caravan.

Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/21/2014 09:18 PM CDT
In the spirit of DR, people should be able to set caravans on fire for refusing services. Also maybe accuse traders to the guards, incurring Market Corruption which eventually summons the Ravens of Kertigen to audit them.

Fun will be had by all!

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/21/2014 09:55 PM CDT
>I need some clarification on this "guy" riding around in my caravan.

It's the driver. The one who is driving the caravan. You're not driving. He is. He is also, by order of the guild, carrying around some gem pouches to hand out.

>Perhaps I can become skilled in gemology and Elanthians can ask me for gem pouches directly.

Given the attitude of several people in this thread I couldn't imagine why people would rather ask an NPC for something.

On a less snarky note, the odds of finding a trader not AFK scripting a caravan route are so low that you might as well fall over in the road and wait for a GMNPC to deliver you a pouch. Yes, I'm sure you never do it.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/21/2014 10:34 PM CDT
I've always assumed my caravan as being more involved than simply just one driver, a couple horses, a wagon, and me. There's the driver, a farrier, a porter, etc. I don't think they're so involved as to have a full crew and complement, but a handful of staff is not out of line with anything I've ever imagined them being, personally.

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Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/21/2014 10:47 PM CDT

"It's the driver. The one who is driving the caravan. You're not driving. He is. He is also, by order of the guild, carrying around some gem pouches to hand out."

The language used refers to the person giving out the gem pouch as a gemologist. Someone who has studied gems, Not some caravan driver doing the Trader guild's grunt work. I do enjoy your confidence though, its quite amusing.

Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/21/2014 10:53 PM CDT
I really don't see this as an issue. I don't care who gives the stuff out, why they give it out, or who uses it. I think it's a neat addition and if it is the beginning steps to caravan facilitated bundle/gem buying, I'm all for it. I can picture myself already setting up my caravan in some far away but frequently hunted area and raking in the profits by the shovel full.

I will agree with what Absolon posted prior, just asking for a way to toggle this on or off would probably have been a whole lot more constructive and would have saved at least a half dozen posts on this topic.

Salute a drowned sailor? You ought to brush up on your protocol, Kasto.
Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 10/21/2014 11:07 PM CDT

Don't get me wrong, I think its a great new feature with numerous possibilities. I just don't like the idea of some fly-by-night gemologist riding around in my caravan giving out gem pouches to any rascal who wants one. I'm calling the shots on my caravan! I'm fine with my driver giving out the pouches though...
Re: Caravan pouch/rope availability and limitation 01/15/2015 07:26 AM CST
<<I've always assumed my caravan as being more involved than simply just one driver, a couple horses, a wagon, and me. There's the driver, a farrier, a porter, etc. I don't think they're so involved as to have a full crew and complement, but a handful of staff is not out of line with anything I've ever imagined them being, personally.

I don't mean to drag up the conflict again, but I thought I'd provide in-game confirmation of this fact via my new baby trader:

> ask mini about interior
The trade minister raises an eye and glances at you. "You are not experienced enough in the workings of the guild to own such yourself. If you're simply curious, then all I can tell you is that when you achieve several dozen promotions, the guild will allow you to maintain some personal space within one of the wagons of your caravan. You can furnish it as you like with only a few guild restrictions imposed."

"Such spaces are not cheap. I will offer you a space for 750 platinum of the local currency. Certain merchants, visiting or otherwise, may make others available. What you do with it after we authorize the space is your business," the minister says.

The trade minister adds, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to herding the cattle. See me again when you've become more experienced."

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