Boxes and Caravans 10/16/2016 01:06 PM CDT
I'm not sure why we cannot do locksmithing inside our caravan rooms. Possible to start allowing this?

Re: Boxes and Caravans 10/17/2016 12:19 PM CDT
It's likely to prevent you from dying in your caravan.
Re: Boxes and Caravans 10/20/2016 09:21 AM CDT
Maybe that is true, as you'd be locked inside and dead. But shouldn't that be up to the individual to take that chance, just like it is our responsibility to ensure we have favors? Rhetorical.

Re: Boxes and Caravans 10/20/2016 12:28 PM CDT
I have a vague recollection that dying in pseudo-rooms like your caravan interior (or a vault) is a very, very bad thing in Dragonrealms's engine. Being dead and locked in might be the least of your problems.

"Warrior Mages don't bother covering up their disasters.

They're proud of them."