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Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 10:22 AM CDT
Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Erinenne's pockets and carefully grab a small clear topaz.
Roundtime: 2 second.
Erinenne saw you make the grab!
You come out of hiding.

Erinenne is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.

(As soon as she says this, she runs to the trader guild to accuse me - I was still stalked, didn't even have time to stop stalking)

So, really, it wasn't about not wanting to RP, it was about her having her precious money stolen. I feel bad for thieves. Its tough finding people that will play the game.

The WARN command is good though. Saves the time wasted by a snert like Erinenne's player since, in the past, she probably reported a lot for what she considers harassment - and what I consider gameplay.

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 10:25 AM CDT
To clarify, doesn't accusing me at the traders guild immediately after WARNING me go against the whole point of warn?

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 10:41 AM CDT
personally i wouldn't even use warn id just accuse you and continue on my way i have no sympathy id be surprised if you could find many traders that would have any.

I reject your reality and substitute my own!
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 10:49 AM CDT
although i would role play it out if i hadn't seen you so as to try and get you to reveal yourself so i could find a sympathetic person willing to kick yer arse.

I reject your reality and substitute my own!
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 11:03 AM CDT
finding sympathetic people to kick my arse is fun for me...its better than reaching for policy.

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 11:06 AM CDT
but the only way i could do that is if i didn't catch you and was some how able to get you to show yourself so i knew who it was that needed an arse kicking.

I reject your reality and substitute my own!
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 11:07 AM CDT
Warn is a non-rp tool to inform you of policy implications. Ie please stop or I will tell on you. since what you did is not actionable under policy, the ability to accuse remain. the warn verb DOES NOTHING other than make a record it was used.

It's an official (and logged) "please go away button"

The accusing to the guild is... well what normally happens.

so i wouldn't call it bad RP. I'd just call it someone who choses not to participate int he same style of RP as you.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 11:14 AM CDT
Course thats all true. My only point is it smacks of "spaz" when someone gets stolen from (no more often than anyone else, BTW), doesn't like getting stolen from so eliminates a thiefly threat, not by RPing, but by going policy, THEN actually accusing.

If they don't want to interact, why the revenge? Its was a spastic victim is all - grabbing for any way to get back at me for stealing a few gems.

I'm used to it...its just frustrating stealing from players that don't know how to RP.

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 11:19 AM CDT
>Course thats all true. My only point is it smacks of "spaz" when someone gets stolen from (no more often than anyone else, BTW), doesn't like getting stolen from so eliminates a thiefly threat, not by RPing, but by going policy, THEN actually accusing.

I know. was just pointing out that they didn't actually go all policy, cause well uhh.. Warn doesn't actually DO anything. But the spaz part I can see. Was just pointing out that DR is not RP enforced :P
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 11:47 AM CDT
If someone wants to play a game single player, it's up to them to play it single player. There's no obligation to interact with you, even if they, and you, could have fun... It doesn't make them a bad person, or a snert. It just makes them different.

It's regretful that the most common type of person in this world is someone small, in a big chair.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:01 PM CDT
<<I'm used to it...its just frustrating stealing from players that don't know how to RP

You only have to get stuck on the ferry once with no where to go and no place to hide with a couple of policy player pickpockets that are not interested in RP at all. Rather thay are interested in instigating PvP. Most have learned to just ignore theft and accuse as soon as possible.

IRL if I saw you breaking into my home, or my car, I would not interact with you. I would get what info I can and turn you in then call my insurance company.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:05 PM CDT
Its worse getting caught stealing on the ferry by redmagrowl...for some reason its hard for me to convince traders to drag my body off. Wonder why...

The policy playingt thieves thing I have a question about. What do they do that makes you think they policy players?

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:09 PM CDT
keep repeatedly pointing, stealing, making derogetory remarks, This stuff does not happen much anymore but it used to be rampant on both the crossing and riverhaven ferries. repeatedly trying to steal from you even if they have blown any chances of getting any more coins.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:15 PM CDT
Also I have found that ignoring such people or people who could be such tend to go away faster if you give them no entertainment value (interaction).

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:22 PM CDT
Yea repeatedly stealing after caught is blatantly stupid.

And taunting to provoke is just wrong (I've never done that)...<whistles>

But Im gonna defend repeat pointing and stealing by referring to it as a mugging. Classless, primitive, but common. I was in Madrid recently and on a "subway" three guys walked casually over to a guy: one guy pressed their target flatly against the door (the poor victim didn't seem to notice),a second guy was kneeling infront of him pretending to wipe something off the cuff of the victim's pants reiterating over and over, "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to get that on your pants" (in english btw), and a third guy dug his handS as deeply into the poor guy's pockets as he could till they were empty. I impulsively yelled at them and they ran off as the doors were shutting.

Unfortunately artistic muggings (as opposed to a traditionally quiet pickpocket) like that are hard to do here (come to think of it I can RP "while I'm stealing" a lot better than I've done), so repeat pointing (not till caught for a number of reasons), within reason, is okay with me. Its a style. Also it makes people more tentative about going back to the ferry...what if I do it again? That's good for the environment. Piers are often hazardous areas with rough folk.

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:30 PM CDT
hahaha Ragran made the point for me i knew someone would sooner or later from a different post, now tell me do you think the only one who should go to jail out of his story was the guy who actually did the pickpocketing or all three guys because in another post it was stated a couple of times that only the one doing the pickpocketing should go to jail.

I reject your reality and substitute my own!
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:39 PM CDT
IRL all three should go. IG all three should go (but that's probably a mechanical challenge)

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:43 PM CDT
People play this game for their own reasons, but for the most part, they do it to have fun. Perhaps Erin's player just doesn't enjoy your style of RP. That was her way of telling you. Forget about it and move on to the next one who does enjoy it - I can think of quite a few folks off the top of my head.

The ACCUSE thing, that's generally what happens when a Trader catches you, anyway. Was it over-the-top? I don't think so. Just because I don't want to interact with a thief doesn't mean I'm not going to call the authorities.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 12:57 PM CDT
Ewww...I dont like you or your logic.

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 01:12 PM CDT
That was a guess about how Erin's player feels, not how I feel. ;-)

I usually enjoy the little IC conflicts that spring up out of the blue. Perhaps we will meet, someday.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 01:31 PM CDT
Seems like the only piece of RP the trader does not like is the getting stolen from. It seems to be that he would "warn goblin" if he could.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 01:47 PM CDT
<< 666 >> Damn I wanted that posting #! You beat me...

<<I usually enjoy the little IC conflicts that spring up out of the blue. Perhaps we will meet, someday.>>

If yer cute (not really important come to think of it), a girl, and like a good time, I'm, unfortunately, always available!

If yer a guy...DIE DIE DIE!

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 01:51 PM CDT
Hopefully once we get to interact with people in hiding without having to point (someday! someday!), it'll cut down on the whole point-hide-steal, point-hide-steal thing. Cause you won't need to point.

It'll certainly be nice for thieves, and it'll cut down on mechanical contrivance.

Marksman Ahmir Nam'al

"Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn."
-Distant hills look green.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 03:00 PM CDT
Wow.... things like that make me want to go steal from traders. What a lame usage of the Warn interact.

Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 03:35 PM CDT

If I were a thief, the Trader's action of reporting the incident to the Traders' Guild and then using an IN-GAME procedure to deal with the "interaction" would mean that the previous WARN is no longer in effect.

I think it is an abuse to use WARN for just one interaction. While some may play at repeated pointing, stealing, taunting (or any combination of two or more of those) and deserve a WARN for been disrupting to another player (in my opinion), catching a stealer ONCE should not be proper use of WARN.

If you aloud warn to be used automatically and for any reason or class of incidents, you will find WARN included into scripts in order to make AFK'ers harder to detect.

By the way... tells us the name... he or she should become... popular.

(Snickers to himself)
Guardsman Vieque Enpaz
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 04:44 PM CDT
apparently being a cute female empath and whimpering and looking pitiful works well too, only time Ragran has ever stolen from me was, well.. as he put it a mugging, at the ferry, I whimpered and he gave me my coin back.. well.. actually Ragran i owe you 3 silver you have me back more than you took! hee hee I've yet to run into you as a trader but i'm sure it will come sooner or later I am always up for some good RP even if it ends in death (probably me not so much you) so long as there is justified reasoning behind it i.e. don't kill me because i call you a jerk for stealing from me, I would assume you've been called worse -grin- If someone really has a problem with your character doing anything to theirs its really not so hard as to in a whisper explain the situation to you I would hope if they came to you in a mature fashion you would listen to their arguments (not about getting their coin back but at least about interaction in general) and come to a civilized agreement, Sometimes the best RolePlay is sprung from two people agreeing in an OOC sort of way things should be like "this" otherwise you both end up very disappointed angry or down right frustrated.

Remember Folks Its a game, Play it!

The mind behind
Faelwen and Ninlao
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 08:53 PM CDT
1. I wasn't AFK scripting when this incident happened. The whole thing happened in less than a minute after he pointed me out and I got him in my pockets on the third try.

2. This is the third time a week and a half specifically Ragran has pointed me out of hiding on, or at the dock for, the Leth ferry, both times I told him to stop and he didn't. I even told him not to even think about it one time when he searched around and found me, but he did it anyway, and this is the fourth time in my lifetime in the realms that he's specifically done it to me anywhere in Zoulen whild trading.

3. I was told about the warn verb by a GM who did reccomend it for cases such as this where I have been repeated messed with by someone again and again. See point 2. They didn't say that I couldn't use IC systems as well to deal with it too if I had those options available.

4. I have been burnt by other thieves and snerts in the past who have actively "mugged" my character in the past on the ferries. So please, forgive me for being human, and being paranoid. Maybe I am a spaz, but how many other people would feel the same way in the same situation if they felt that helpless, in a real life scenario or in the game? I am a nice person but I do not want to feel helpless, I get enough of that in my real life on a daily basis, something I'm sure most of you will not understand. I do not want conflict and PvP because I find it pointless and not my definition of RP-ing, and usually end up getting victimized anyway, and unfortunately, that is the type of RPing Ragran wants. I do not want it. He knows now not to bother me, and hopefully he will leave it at that.

If this makes you all want to target me more, so be it, but this is the board not the game. Do us all a favor and not drag any problems you had with my reaction into the game because then it will be for an OOC reason anyway, and I will act accordingly.

I want to enjoy my time in the realms, and dealing with conflicts such as this feels more akin to the ninth circle of the underworld than something that I want pay money for. This is a second conflict I've had in a week that I've had to deal with, so if I am touchy and humorless, please understand that usually I am very agreeable when I'm not being messed with. Like any person, I have my buttons and he pressed one, severely. I would be extremely happy as an alterer making things for people and not playing a trader, but alas, that's not going to happen any time soon. I thank everyone who's read this post, or who know me and have put up with me, and I hope you all now understand how I feel and will decide to move on as I have.

Player of Erinenne
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/16/2005 09:04 PM CDT
>>1. I wasn't AFK scripting when this incident happened. The whole thing happened in less than a minute after he pointed me out and I got him in my pockets on the third try.

That doesn't really have anything to do with anything. Thieves typically target afk scripters... but Ragran doesn't to my knowledge.

>>2. This is the third time a week and a half specifically Ragran has pointed me out of hiding on, or at the dock for, the Leth ferry, both times I told him to stop and he didn't. I even told him not to even think about it one time when he searched around and found me, but he did it anyway, and this is the fourth time in my lifetime in the realms that he's specifically done it to me anywhere in Zoulen whild trading.<<

He does it to everyone. There's nothing special about you.

>>3. I was told about the warn verb by a GM who did reccomend it for cases such as this where I have been repeated messed with by someone again and again. See point 2. They didn't say that I couldn't use IC systems as well to deal with it too if I had those options available.

Once again, he wasn't targeting you specifically. He's hit me as well.

>>4. I have been burnt by other thieves and snerts in the past who have actively "mugged" my character in the past on the ferries. So please, forgive me for being human, and being paranoid. Maybe I am a spaz, but how many other people would feel the same way in the same situation if they felt that helpless, in a real life scenario or in the game?

Well, I've been hit on multiple occasions. I was over it moments later. My trader was about 9th circle at the time, and made up the losses in 15-30 minutes. If you don't like conflicts... don't turn it into a conflict. Just sigh and ignore it. Using the warn mechanics when no one is specifically targeting you is just poor sportsmenship.

>>I do not want conflict and PvP because I find it pointless and not my definition of RP-ing, and usually end up getting victimized anyway,

No one was even wanting to conflict. Traders and thieves has a relationship. Traders make money, and thieves in turn make money off of traders. Asking to be able to do trader routes without theft is just silly. That's one of the dangers of running contracts. It's PART of the whole thing. My suggestion is to not take it so personally.

I've stolen from you as well... You held a grudge concerning me months later. If you don't like being stolen from, fine. That shouldn't make you immune to theft though. There are various things you can do in game. And being stolen from doesn't eat into profits very badly at all. If a sub-10th trader can minimize theft, anyone can.

Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/17/2005 12:07 AM CDT
I see no problem with holding grudges for months.

A dark brown Zoluren marnet glances up at the stars and makes a purring sound of contentment.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/17/2005 12:31 AM CDT
>>I see no problem with holding grudges for months

There's nothing inherently wrong with grudges, if they're deserved. Let me try again with a little less kneejerk.

As a trader running contracts, you're doing it to earn money. Very quickly, you're making profit at it, 15 ranks of trading or so. By 40 ranks, you're making decent enough profit to come well ahead even with theft on the trade routes. Theft is the risk of running contracts. Thieves and Traders have that almost symbiotic relationship that way. To expect to not be stolen from is an unreasonable expectation. You don't have to like that, just like you don't have to like taxes, but you need to recognize its existance.

There are several things that traders can do to minimize theft and make it even less of an issue. Theft quickly gets controlled to the point that it's a tiny deduction on profit runs.

Now, there IS such a thing as harrassment. I will fully admit that. But being stolen from every time you go through the northeast gate is a FAR cry from harrassment. (Provided of course, everyone is being targeted, not just you). Just like people run contracts all day long, Thieves can steal from traders all day long. There are several IC reactions you can take to make their staying there less convienent. Rack up their fines, hire thugs to beat them up, ask a big character to guard you if someone has staked out a certain location. Using WARN to tell a person to stop setting up ambush points is silly. It seems to me that you KNOW that Ragran isn't targeting you specifically, yet you still take it personally. That's what I don't understand.

Like someone said before... that's equivalent to WARNing a goblin not to attack you. Because the goblin attacking you on the trade routes is getting in the way of your trading. I mean.. after all. You don't have much time to play, why should you spend your time trying to get rezzed when a goblin kills you. Save warn for the times a thief has latched on to you, and follows you to the ends of the earth, constantly stealing from you even when he can't get coins. When a thief has targeted you specifically, and is hellbent on trying to make your life a living hell. Not for when a Thief is just doing what comes naturally.

Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/17/2005 01:11 AM CDT
Yes, I am taking it personally considering he's the only one to a. point out of hiding, b. steal enough to get caught regardless of messaging telling him of the risks of getting caught, and c. appears to solely be doing it to get on my nerves, which he has succeed in doing brilliantly, and now I want none of it. I have no problems with thieves that steal and try not to get caught, my issue is with those that do it for the sheer sadistic glee of it, regardless if they get caught or not. By the way, last time I checked, Ragran isn't even a guilded thief but a war mage, and he's the only one I've be catching routinely because he wants the attention of being caught.

I do use preventative measure, but it doesn't seem to be enough. I do train stealing. I do train perception every chance I get. I do use cheap gems, and I do use at least 1000 coppers before I grab contracts, but I still can't catch anyone to accuse them. I did use a guard once, but by the end of the run, he was bored to tears and I can't put someone through that again. And while I may seem stuck in my ways, I refuse to use a mule on guard duty because it just screams wrongness. I'm old fashioned, but I like to do things fair and square, a concept that seems to be vastly out-dated. I'm just quirky like that, but I'm digressing. If a thief can get coin or gems off of me before I notice then more power to them, but if they have to resort to tactics that will stop you from taking action or wants to get caught and get on my nerves, then that's another matter, which is what this case is about and why I did what I did.

This is not a case of me against guilded thieves but one fed-up trader against one man that wanted to pursue a conflict with me and anyone else he can annoy, and that is not how I want to role-play as explain previously. I won't warn every lint-forager I come across unless they do maliciously, so everyone else in my pockets can rest easy.

Are there any more questions, or can I please move on?

Erinenne, who's considering early retirement at this rate.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/17/2005 01:42 AM CDT
<<I think it is an abuse to use WARN for just one interaction. While some may play at repeated pointing, stealing, taunting (or any combination of two or more of those) and deserve a WARN for been disrupting to another player (in my opinion), catching a stealer ONCE should not be proper use of WARN.

I have to agree with this. warn should be used after repeated or harrassing type of actions.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." ~~ G.O.

Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/17/2005 05:45 AM CDT

<<b. steal enough to get caught regardless of messaging telling him of the risks of getting caught>>

he's a wm. he gets no such messaging as he isn't a guilded thief.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/17/2005 08:42 AM CDT
Ya know, its just my opinion here, but if I caught the a person in my pockets the same way, after being pointed out of hiding. And the same thing happened on more then one occasion.... I would probably use warn and accuse as well. Especially if like Erinenne said, she asked him to not do it several times. After that there are just no more excuses. Stealing from someone occasionally is one thing, but if you repeatedly catch the same person in your pockets over and over again, enough is enough. Go do something else. There are lots of other folks around, if he wants to RP victimizing someone, he should try one of them.

At 1.0000001 with the Universe
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/17/2005 08:58 AM CDT
one thing that seems to work is paying the right person for "protection" plus if hes not a thief and hes doing it i would let a decent thief know i know their guild doesn't like others muscling in on there turf now every one should know a couple of thieves time to use them to your advantage.

I reject your reality and substitute my own!
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/17/2005 10:27 AM CDT
the only way the thief can do anything conflictual about it is if

a. the trader is married to the thief. hey, stranger things have happened.

b. the wm in question is caught in the thiefs pockets.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/18/2005 09:11 AM CDT
Er I was gonna go line by line, but Wighten and Schvartz (the messaging issue) made all the arguments pretty well (meet me at the bank later and you get your plats!)

Then she posted the following:

<<Ragran isn't even a guilded thief but a war mage, and he's the only one I've be catching routinely because he wants the attention of being caught.>>

I think I'm the only one you catch "routinely" (what was it 2 or 3 times in 2 weeks - considering yer a trader repeating ferry travel all day long that's lucky for you, I'd say) because thieves aren't owning areas. If they did, your job would be realistically harder as a trader, and the environment in certain areas, like ports, would make you nervous enough to expect robbery. That would be good for the adventurous spirit of your game experience. Since you just want to go from point A to point B and make IG money without any other type of gameplay, go ahead....I won't disturb you.

<<I do train stealing. I do train perception every chance I get. I do use cheap gems, and I do use at least 1000 coppers before I grab contracts, but I still can't catch anyone to accuse them.>>

You don't train near enough. There are traders that I pick at that same ferry that catch me everytime and accuse (and I cry softly each time at my repeated stupidity). I KEEP forgetting their names, and my highlight keeps failing for some reason. But there are some out there that own my skills.

<<I would probably use warn and accuse as well. Especially if like Erinenne said, she asked him to not do it several times.>> - Mole

Its funny asking a thief not to steal. You know lots of people actually RP. When you ask a thief not to steal, either you don't expect him to listen (wow you can RP!) or you do expect him to listen (you should join a hiking club rather than continue playing DR).

By the way, after you WARNed, then, after WARNing, you accused, you actually come and seek me out 20 minutes later in the cleric guild to interact with me. I was is the suckiest playing I've seen in a long time. I should WARN her!

:oP Ragran
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/18/2005 10:06 AM CDT
Your highlights fail most likely because when you copied the name over, you got an extra space in the copy. Have to go in and delete the space, then it'll work.

I absolutely despise CvC stealing. It's one of the dumbest designs in DR. To actually make a system that another player can decrease the fun I have playing a game I PAY for (and they can claim, I am just RPing!!!!!), is very silly. I don't CvC because that's not why I am here.

That being said, I expect a certain amount of stealing to go one while I am running my contracts. It's the price of doing business.

Mechanics should be put in place to allow someone to "hire" a bodyguard that the consent rules (which are dumb in their own right) are transferred to the bodyguard. Then we'll stop seeing all the non-guilded stealing from folks. Especially if the bodyguard drags the beaten and bloody pulp of a body to their nearest guild and leaves them to rot at the feet of the guildleader.

Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/18/2005 10:30 AM CDT

<<I absolutely despise CvC stealing. It's one of the dumbest designs in DR.>>

then what pray tell would you use to check and balance?

i think its actually a pretty smart decision on simus part.

many people fight critters to earn treasure/coin, etc. their risk is getting killed by said critter.

traders go from here to there and get money for walking to and fro. the risk to that is theft.

checks and balance.

schvartz ,road hazard extraordinaire.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
Re: Just another example of poor RP 09/18/2005 10:40 AM CDT
<<Mechanics should be put in place to allow someone to "hire" a bodyguard that the consent rules (which are dumb in their own right) are transferred to the bodyguard. Then we'll stop seeing all the non-guilded stealing from folks.>>

...Don't be too sure. It might make the whole thing more fun. I'm all for it.

:oP Ragran
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