BBC Question 11/29/2010 10:42 PM CST
This is more towards those people that watch a lot of BBC, Im wondering about a show of theirs Im seeing a lot of ads for, Primevil. Is it any good? I already watch Doctor Who, Torchwood and reruns of Are You Being Served.

What I really would like to know, is Primevil worth the time to watch it? Are the episodes written halfway decent? There aren't very many shows I watch anymore mainly because the story lines are rubbish or the plots are transparent. Trying to find things that are interesting is becoming a bit difficult.

"Don Drysdale would consider an intentional walk a waste of three pitches. If he wants to put you on base, he can hit you with one pitch." – Mike Shannon

"Even if the voices are not real they have some pretty good ideas" - Anonymous