Khri Changes in Test 06/19/2018 01:39 PM CDT
This is... a lot, so forgive me if I miss some changes. This is only live in Test.

Khri and Ambushes are now on the Magic Tertiary slot mechanics. You will no longer learn Ambushes automatically.
Khri difficulties are now the same standard Intro/Basic/Intermediate/Advanced/Esoteric that Magic uses.
KHRI by itself now shows a shortened output.
All GuildLeaders teach all Khri.
Khri can now teach multiple skills.
Khri Steady now enables dual load of bows.
Khri Strike will now bonus the skill of a weapon in your offhand if there is no weapon in your right hand.
All Khri and Ambushes will be cleared on login, if your Warding is grandfathered. This uses a date of last login as "Before July 1st" so it could happen on multiple logins in Test, for now.
Thieves can now use Warding skill
- This will be grandfathered at login to 80% of Utility skill, if Warding is less than 80% of Utility
- Serenity and Sagacity are now straight Warding
- Dampen is Util/Warding
- Flight is Aug/Warding
Experience gain from Khri is no longer based on concentration used vs concentration gained. It is now based on skill vs difficulty of Khri being run.
Elusion and Flight have swapped location in the req tree.
Combination Khri are gone. All combination effects are rolled into one of the Khri that used to be a req.
- Cunning went into Liberation, which was renamed to Cunning. It now teaches Aug/Util.
- Speed went into Flight
- Spar went into Steady
- Secure went into Safe
- Skulk's 0sec STALK went into Shadowstep, Locate barrier went into Dampen
- Prescience went into Sensing
There are ten new Khri
- Harrier - Requires Darken, Aug, +Strength
- Terrify - Requires Focus, Debil Fear vs Will, Single target immobilize
- Muse - Requires Safe, Aug, +Alchemy, +Engineering
- Endure - Requires Calm, Aug/Util, +Stamina, slows bleeding
- Intimidate - Requires Terrify, Debil Fear vs Will, Prevents engagement
- Fright - Requires Intimidate, Aug, +Debil, +Int
- Slight - Requires Plunder, Util, Reduces chance of getting caught shoplifting (can reduce to zero)
- Credence - Requires Cunning, Debil Charm vs Will, Calm all engaged
- Insight - Requires Sight, Aug, +FA, +Outdoorsmanship
- Evanescence - Requires Vanish, Util/Ward, +Invisible on any damaging strike

Many thanks to Grejuva for his patience and time QCing this enormous project.

That one guy

If you have questions or comments in regard to this post please email me at