Thief Circle Requirements 03/16/2012 01:16 AM CDT
Thief reqs actually got a little easier overall, even though they got harder in a lot of areas. Here are the highlights:

* Some of your survival reqs have gone up a little bit.
* You have small soft requirements for Thievery and Stealth. You're thieves. (Soft reqs can count for Nth Survival)
* You're weapons secondary, and your weapons req now reflects that.
* Backstab can count for any of your survivals
* Your lore reqs also went up because you're Lore secondary.
* Your armor req went up a little bit too.
* Once you get magic reqs, you'll be basically on par with rangers as far as circling difficulty. Right now, you're a bit below them.

Restricted Skills

1st Armor22233
1st Weapon33445
2nd Weapon12334
1st Survival44556
2nd Survival44456
3rd Survival34456
4th Survival34456
5th Survival34445
6th Survival23445
7th Survival23345
8th Survival12233
1st Lore12334
2nd Lore12233
3rd Lore11223


"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -E.A.P.