Khri Sagacity 04/23/2010 11:16 PM CDT
A project from a long long time ago, getting rid of the Subsume Khri (which was too functionally equivalent to its sister khri Silence and Vanish) and replacing it with Khri Sagacity has been completed!

- All Thief players who knew Subsume will now know Sagacity. Otherwise, they will need to know the Serenity Khri to learn it from Varsyth. If you don't have Serenity but did have Subsume, you'll get to know Sagacity anyway and your khri list will look slightly weird.

- Sagacity returns 100% of the user's concentration, but only up to the max they can have at the moment (so if you're using other khri actively it may potentially not return anything!)

- The downtime is usually around 20ish minutes.

- This is on Platinum Preview for a while, but you won't get any free time to play with it without picking it, which is why this post is a bit more detailed than it might be. Prime and TF will follow in a while.
