Kyodan/beggar 08/25/2012 01:42 AM CDT
No flamming, sorry. I thought it was just a good opportunity that no one else has picked up. Go for it myself if I wasn't a barge away.

Your mind hears Kyodan thinking, "Man that begger isnt doing well for himself right now. He only had 24 copper on him"
Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "Heh"
Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "he probably got that off you."
Your mind hears Kyodan thinking, "Nope cause I didnt have anything. Unfortunatly he spotted me on my last try so the fine is gonna be more expensive. Well hopefully I wont get sent to the stocks. AGAIN"
Your mind hears Kyodan thinking, "I am starting to think that the guards just wanna see me nude "
Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "heh"
Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "You can plead not guilty and see how hard they laugh at ya."

Someone go protect the old man. Seems like a good RP opportunity. Happened just a few minutes ago.

Dirty Clerics
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/19/2012 09:06 PM CST
This among other things is why Kalag the Black, the Gor'Tog family leader was the best of them all. Honor. There is ALWAYS honor amongst thieves, people just tend to forget it or not care. Which irritates us those that DO remember Kalag and the code.

>"That's their weakness, the foolish belief that they're in control, I'll be their downfall...."
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/19/2012 09:41 PM CST
Maybe the code died with Kalag and you all ought to move on.

Player of Ryken
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." ~ Doug Larson

AIM - RykenDR
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/19/2012 09:47 PM CST
>>This among other things is why Kalag the Black, the Gor'Tog family leader was the best of them all. Honor. There is ALWAYS honor amongst thieves, people just tend to forget it or not care. Which irritates us those that DO remember Kalag and the code.

I think you're in the wrong folder. 3 Folders up. Where everything is decaying.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/20/2012 06:10 AM CST
One thing I've noticed is that a lot of Thief 'RP' tended to revolve around stealing. Back in the day I used to witness people getting stolen from all the time, nowadays it's a rarity. And some of these people are so terrified of being locked Open that the profile system has effectively shut down their RP. It really is kind of sad.

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/20/2012 08:27 AM CST
This is it in a nutshell. Its all well and good to say," well, if you miss it restart it yourselves." We can't. It was taken away from us by game mechanics.

I'd rather play my necromancer, I have a better chance of Roleplaying "correctly" by staying out of town, thus not getting accused and locked open that way, than by playing a Thief the way they Should be roleplayed - stealing not to get caught- but for the money - as Kalag taught us <avoid attention and so on and so forth- when "MARK" used to be useable only on other players-- and thus getting locked open as a consequence.

An arisen dummy zombie bellows, "You will all be ssslaughtered!"
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/20/2012 09:27 AM CST

My take on thievery....

I quit playing for circles a LONG time back. So I could get to circle 100. Big deal.

Why do that when I could be out on the North Road ripping people off.... And yes, that may mean you get stuck 'open' for a while. Who cares? We're thieves, remember? Run, hide! Some of the best times I've ever had have been running away after stealing from someone. 8) I freaking LOVE the chase. I steal for the cash sure, but its always more fun when someone gets upset because I got 2/4 of the gold coins they were carrying.

8) I still steal from players when I'm on. It doesn't seem to raise my stealing skill by much anymore, but its still fun even when busted.

Deo vindice!!!
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/20/2012 10:10 AM CST
I think the only time I really had fun when being chased down for stealing was back when I stole from Shapeshifter and got caught. He chased me all the way from shard to Riverhaven < was rather hairy because in those days you had to take the ferrys <it was before you could swim the faldesu, and it was before the 5th passage was "discovered". He put a bounty on my head for 10 platinum, which was a large sum in those days. I gwethed and asked if I killed myself if I could get the bounty. He paused for a moment and said .... Sure! And, since I was hiding in khri silence <which was really nice then because you could get on the ferry in invisibility and couldn't get pointed out by people or critters, as long as you kept quiet and didn't pick up coins or anything you really were pretty much immune > in death spirits under dunshade <i'd already deposited the coins i got from him in one of the banks along the way>, I just stopped the khri and unhid. <in those days death spirits could kill me fairly easily, they were around the hardest critters around, at least up north>. But he was a man of his word, and I got the plats for killing myself! :-)

Another story though, didn't have as happy an ending, but was about thief comraderly and getting in trouble for the cause..and having fun while doing so... When magic 2.0 came out, we thieves were restricted from using runestones any more. We didn't exactly like what the "heralds" had done, so me, bombello and a couple of other thieves decided to "blockade" riverhaven <again, this was before the bypass of swimming to haven>. So... we stole from any "fingerwagglers" that boarded the ferry, and excluded traders, barbarians and commoners -- and of course other thieves --from our "talents", and had a glorious time riding back and forth on both the ferries to and from Riverhaven. There was a group of mages, led by a couple paladin types, that decided to put an end to our "transgressions", and chased us around for awhile. <we kept jumping back and forth from one ferry to another to avoid 'em - they couldn't jump because they were in plate, we were pretty much stealing naked, <except for a pouch to put gems in>. Finally, word reached the "guild" and we were brought before the Rattler <although we were technically on Crows Turf> who gave us a lecture on "bringing heat on the guild", and put us in jail for a bit.

An arisen dummy zombie bellows, "You will all be ssslaughtered!"
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/20/2012 11:24 AM CST
The only thing keeping PvP from locking people open for X amount of time is the acknowledgement by GMs that some people might sincerely be acting in self defense or getting lured somehow into being tricked open.

There is a lot less nuance when it comes to proactively choosing to steal from someone. When you steal from someone, it's pretty much acknowledged that you're intentionally committing an aggressive action as opposed to a countermeasure to something being done toward you. If there were a string of situations where people were stealing defensively and/or being lured into being locked open by being stolen from and goaded into trying and stealing back, it might be a different situation.

But, as it stands, that isn't the situation. Stealing is a "I am proactively choosing to act aggressive toward other people without their consent," and as such you're set open. You don't get to pick and choose who is or isn't aggressive toward you just like people with coins can't choose who is or isn't trying to get into their pockets.

When in doubt,
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/21/2012 02:14 PM CST

Naked runs and becoming avid Favor pursuers, I believe it is well worth the fun and the enrichment on the game.

What is a Paladin to do without us? How many more Rezz and healings will the Clerics and EMpaths enjoy giving.

Who will hire a ranger to track anything?

Moonies Gazing, Bards helping the perception of the possees.

Why, even traders bringing weapons, armor and selling pouches and bundles as people try to unload instead of seductively walking around towns with their riches.

As to Warrir Mages, I never know how those guys get fun, so I cannot foresee anything for them.

Lumps ahoy!

Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/21/2012 03:53 PM CST
I have actively stolen from people throughout all 5 provinces and really one universal rule is in play.

Don't get caught.

I've been profile set to open since day 1 and have had literally zero random "because youre open" deaths and very few run in with other players. On the occasion that I'm seen either by my mark or passerbys I just leave the city and move to a new one.

IMO role playing a thief in DR you really need to be able to move and be comfortable all over the DR globe to keep any sort of heat off of you.
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/21/2012 06:06 PM CST
>have had literally zero random "because youre open" deaths

Novice 10 minutes out of character generator learning FA at the empaths, no spoken/otherwise engagement other than 'Hello, thanks for the class'.

Sniped for being open and a novice.

Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/22/2012 03:59 PM CST
Buffstuff win. Great thief post.
Re: Kyodan/beggar 12/27/2012 09:10 AM CST
Ahh... yes. My favorite time stealing is always when I get caught.

I was once ripping someone off on the North Road and got busted. He was lecturing me about stealing and I umm.... stole from him again. Yes, on purpose... and while apologising.

Needless to say, he was angry.

He shot me in the leg with a crossbow. I ran and hid. Then I made it to the empaths. AFTER they healed me I was wandering around town and I hear from the shadows, "This isn't over."

THAT time he put a crossbow bolt through the neck. I fell down and then he sat and watched me bleed to death.

I have to admit, he had GREAT presentation. And I still have the crossbow bolt 10 years later.... hehe.

I LOVE to steal from players. And with everyone running around with GOLD in their pockets these days, its been a thrill.

Deo vindice!!!
Re: Kyodan/beggar 01/17/2013 03:05 PM CST

Zero Random's death just for being open, unless Celesi profiles you, sees you your not just dumb but young and OPEN, and without saying anything to RP the encounter proceeds to snipe or backstab you.

It does hurts a little more because he is supposed to be a thief. How can we talk the Guildleaders into booting him?
