The Guild Code 07/06/2007 07:34 PM CDT
Okay, so as far as I know it is against the code to blatantly advertise to everyone that you are a thief (or is that just discouraged?), and to rob fellow thieves, or empaths, and at least frowned upon to steal from clerics... so my question is, what happens if someone breaks the code? My main character is a thief, so is his wife, and her parents are a cleric and empath... all of us have been stolen from by a certain thief, and caught him, and there is no doubt he is confused. The guy makes it no secrect what guild he belongs to. He said himself he doesn't care about the code. Short of fighting him outright, is there anything that can be done? Do we have to kill him, or is there something in place to take care of people like this?

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
Re: The Guild Code 07/06/2007 08:27 PM CDT
>>Okay, so as far as I know it is against the code to blatantly advertise to everyone that you are a thief (or is that just discouraged?), and to rob fellow thieves, or empaths, and at least frowned upon to steal from clerics... so my question is, what happens if someone breaks the code? My main character is a thief, so is his wife, and her parents are a cleric and empath... all of us have been stolen from by a certain thief, and caught him, and there is no doubt he is confused. The guy makes it no secrect what guild he belongs to. He said himself he doesn't care about the code. Short of fighting him outright, is there anything that can be done? Do we have to kill him, or is there something in place to take care of people like this?<<

The code is a set of suggestions that can in no way be enforced. The code was written by players a long time ago and they are too many who feel that the code does not apply to them that would report if anyone tried to enforce it. If certain lines are crossed then they can be reported to the Guild Leaders but that is it.

---Thya Telle
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Re: The Guild Code 07/06/2007 08:29 PM CDT
I'm sure the Thief Code and the Pirate Code have a lot in common. :)
Re: The Guild Code 07/06/2007 08:39 PM CDT
its mostly a roleplayed thing.

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
Re: The Guild Code 07/06/2007 08:44 PM CDT
>>I'm sure the Thief Code and the Pirate Code have a lot in common. :)

"The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules..."

There is a code, but it is something that was come up with by the players, and isn't generally enforced by the Game Masters. [Here's a copy of "The Code" as I understood it back in 2002: ] The thing is, while at a few points the code was a "consensus" among Thief players, nothing really stops any Thief from doing whatever they want short of breaking policy. So while you can attempt to perpetuate the code, you can't really make anyone follow it. The best thing to do is respond in an in-character fashion. Yes, people who flout the code can be annoying, but they provide a juicy role-playing opportunity if you're up to it.

The only time the GM's will really intervene is if someone is blantantly advertising Thief secrets, or is Thieving incredibly blatantly (antagonizing many people in front of the Trader's guild, for instance). Then, they will respond to the incident in an in-character manner. (Having Kalag send his thugs after the secrets advertiser, having the guards raid the antagonizing Thieves, et cetera.) For instance, if someone is gwething the poison recipe or talking guild locations in the gweth, (GM's, correct me if I'm wrong please) you can REPORT to KALAG about the incident using the REPORT command. This is only meant to be used in extreme circumstances. Someone stealing repeatedly from you and your family would not be an appropriate circumstance. It's only for thiefly emergencies.

There are a few options if your Thief is being stolen from:

+ Retaliate in kind.
+ Involve a high level Thief that can take your side in the matter. They can't attack the Thief but they may be able to have a nice "chat" with him/her. It's also possible that this antagonistic Thief might be stupid enough to steal from your high level friend. Of course, nothing stops your antagonist from doing the same thing.
+ Attack. If you catch them stealing then you have consent.
+ Accuse to the guards. (Felony stealing and a bonus hit.)
+ Ambush Clout (You don't need consent to ambush clout someone, but you do give them consent when you do it.)

Remember that dying in a roleplaying game really isn't a big deal. Vault any valuable items and just respond how your character would respond. If that means attacking in response to theft, do. Your character may die, but come on. Death isn't a big deal, and if you've vaulted all your valuables then graverobbing shouldn't really be a concern. Just make sure you have friends ready to drag your corpse to aid if things go badly.

If the person is obviously not roleplaying and is just trying to get a rise out of you, and is consistently harassing you you can use the WARN verb.

>Suitable for roleplayed conflicts where it is to the players' advantage to have consent on record. The receiving player will have an opportunity to acknowledge the warning so that any potential conflict can be settled to both parties' satisfaction. Note that the agreement terminates once either player dies or one hour has passed.

>Suitable when someone's actions have transgressed beyond the boundaries of acceptable, normal roleplay and are disrupting your enjoyment of the game. This should not be used lightly. You will be expected to behave yourself as well as the person to whom you issued such a statement.

>Suitable for expressing to the other party that you wish to have NO INTERACTION WHATSOEVER with them. This option should not be used unless you are willing to remove yourself from the presence of the person to whom you issue it. Upon issuance, both players should immediately go their separate ways and cease all interaction with each other, including (but not limited to) conversations regarding the other player with third parties (besides staff members).

Someone stealing from you a time or two is not a really good reason to use the WARN verbs. They're for OOC harassment situations, from what I understand. So if this person is roleplaying, I would strongly advise you to avoid using these OOC verbs. If they're just griefing, then eh.

I can't recall ever having to report (except AFK scripters), use the warn verbs, or any of that stuff, and I've been playing a Thief for a bajillion years. This is just so you know they exist -- they should be used with utmost care.

GM Zeyurn: He gets so much done that people actually complain.
Re: The Guild Code 07/06/2007 11:50 PM CDT
I was afraid of that, just means the cleric will have to kill the guy... does it count as harassment if he runs into their private house and starts bouncing on the furniture when they open the door?

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
Re: The Guild Code 07/07/2007 01:09 AM CDT
"Thirdly, they're more guidelines than rules."
--Cap'n Barbie, of the Black Pearl

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
Re: The Guild Code 07/07/2007 01:54 AM CDT
>>does it count as harassment if he runs into their private house and starts bouncing on the furniture when they open the door?

No, that's part of the code.
Re: The Guild Code 07/07/2007 02:17 AM CDT
>>No, that's part of the code.

Yep. Didn't you read that link I posted? When presented with an opportunity to bounce on furniture versus some other activity, one must always choose to bounce on furniture.

GM Zeyurn: He gets so much done that people actually complain.
Re: The Guild Code 07/09/2007 10:07 AM CDT
if someone runs into your private home right after you open the door, and you didn't invite them in, that's trespassing.
Kill the person and claim self defense.

Sothios Clan-Csencsits
Aesry Locksmith Union Representative