Confusion on pretend titles 05/07/2009 08:09 PM CDT
How do the pretend titles for the paladins guild work? I am really confused. According to the home page title lists and reqs I should have new titles. I did a assist request and they tell me I do not meet the reqs. The home page must be wrong for reqs. Also, do we need the charisma reqs for the titles? I am also confused about the soul state thing. Why can't we get soul state related titles? I really enjoy my char pretending to be a paladin because he thinks he is what a paladin should be. The ability to gain their titles is really lacking though.

Mujaki Paladin of the people.
Re: Confusion on pretend titles 05/16/2009 02:47 PM CDT
I'm in the process of reevaluating the pretend titles. Unfortunately, yes, the requirements listed on the website are sometimes inaccurate, so fixing them is one of the goals I have. As for your other questions, the system was put in place before my time as a GM, so I can't really say why something was done a certain way as opposed to another. However, hopefully with some investigation and persuasion, I can attempt to rectify some of the issues people have with the way pretend titles are obtained.

To give you some indication of my direction, I'm really not a fan of the percentage system in place, especially at the higher end, so I'm hoping to come up with good alternatives. Some things I'm thinking about using as substitutes are stats (mainly charisma), reputation, and confidence. Feel free to post your thoughts in the Den.

-- GM Tiesse

PS. -- I checked about the question marks in the requirements, and it seems unlikely that these will be replaced with actual information any time soon.

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