Backstab exp 03/21/2008 12:37 PM CDT
Something has been puzzling me since the change to stalking, and that is - was there any change to the exp awards for either hidng/stalking or backstab? The reason I ask is since the change I have been unable to get backstab to mindlock, whereas prior to the change it was usually one of the first things to mindlock (when backstabbing critters).

I have checked to make sure hiding and stalking are not on wall ranks, and I am landing critical strikes with the backstabs so I am scratching my head a bit...

Here is an example of a post hunt EXP to illustrate:

Circle: 50
Showing only skills with field experience.
To see all your skills, type EXP ALL

SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Leather Armor: xxx 09% mind lock Parry Ability: xxx 58% bewildered
Multi Opponent: xxx 27% very muddled Light Edged: xxx 30% bewildering
Brawling: xxx 49% bewildered Evasion: xxx 46% very muddled
Hiding: xxx 59% mind lock Stalking: xxx 67% mind lock
Backstab: xxx 25% perplexing Skinning: xxx 59% pondering
Appraisal: xxx 80% bewildered

Time Development Points: 138 Favors: 10 Deaths: 21
Overall state of mind: clear
EXP HELP for more information

As you can see it is at perplexing, but that is only after I repeatedly backstabbed several more critters while hiding and stalking were mindlocked, which took my mindstate to fluid. It was down at muddled when I loked hide/stalk.
Re: Backstab exp 03/21/2008 03:46 PM CDT
What have you been hunting. I am 50th circle also and i have no problem locking my backstab in hatchlings which takes a little while, pirates and deathspirits do it very well though for me.

A thief believes everybody steals.
Edward W. Howe
Re: Backstab exp 03/21/2008 04:00 PM CDT
post actual numbers and it'll be easier to figure out whats going on (instead of the xxx's) Since critters have different defense/offense/stealth caps you may have just hit the soft cap for stealth and not for offense/defense. Geni are about the best example I can think of since you can lock backstab/hide/stalk with 350+ ranks in there but the weapon learning slows down around 250-270 ranks.
Re: Backstab exp 03/21/2008 06:14 PM CDT
Ok.. hunting tier 2 snow goblins at the moment.

Hiding is 212, stalking 205, backstab 172, LE 158.

I suppose I may have to move up to 3rd tier to train backstab, it is no problem but I only noticed the difference after the stalking changes and I really haven't done much training as I was away the last couple of months.
Re: Backstab exp 03/22/2008 01:27 AM CDT
>>I suppose I may have to move up to 3rd tier to train backstab

You probably do. Try that.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
Re: Backstab exp 03/22/2008 12:27 PM CDT
Just as a heads up, Tier 3 pretty much caps at a flat 200 ranks of stabbation. At least, it looks like it has for me.
Re: Backstab exp 03/22/2008 02:41 PM CDT
I think I was capable of stabbing Tier 3 snobs with as low as 130 bs. I took a special trip to Aesry to find out. It was with the old khri system, and I had Stealth up, I think.

If I was capable of stabbing them at that level, then someone with that much more BS shouldn't be hunting something lower to train the skill. That's my reasoning.

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin