Belated Thanks! 09/02/2015 09:17 PM CDT

Belated thanks to the various folks who've done interesting idle RP with me while I wander about and familiarize myself with the game! Hnot and Rhoslyn come to mind, as recent examples!

A big part of the fun of DR lies in these random encounters. Chatting with a novice while helping her out, or deciding to join a stranger heading the same direction as you, even if it's not a long trip... They may not seem like much, but they're important to me! I hope to have many more!
Re: Belated Thanks! 09/16/2015 01:51 PM CDT
Rhoslyn is really awesome! Glad you are finding your way around with the help of friendlies!! A lot of time there are really great lessons happening at the Warrior Mage Guild too!!

Always nice when you see people getting a thumbs high rather than stuffed into the "conflicts" folder!!

~~If you can't live without me why aren't you dead yet?~~