Demeanor 03/02/2017 03:18 PM CST

I'm not sure where this would go, but I've noticed an odd issue with demeanor. I have mine set to reserved. However, I also have my demeanor toward Empaths set to friendly. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be working correctly as I've had to adjust my demeanor every time I have to get healed.

Normal? Wonky?

Re: Demeanor 03/02/2017 03:27 PM CST
Guild demeanor only recognizes people with set profession up; their look ends with "a (race) Empath."

"Warrior Mages don't bother covering up their disasters.

They're proud of them."
Re: Demeanor 03/04/2017 05:51 AM CST

Ahhh... Okay. I'd never noticed before.
