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Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/18/2012 10:36 PM CDT
I have 15 favors too. You don't need four critters for an hour to fill those orbs.

I have no problem with your run-down, but there's still no reason to do it. The closest thing to a "reason" to do it is an Empath who is between construct critters who wants to learn weapons, and even then you can still use three instead of four with no appreciable difference in learning rate.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/18/2012 11:57 PM CDT

Try filling an orb at 40 or 50 favors, and then make that assumption about the hour long hunts, it gets CRAZY how much experience you have to feed into an orb after a while before its satisfied. Not justifying things in either direction, but 15 favors is a drop in the bucket.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 12:03 AM CDT
>>Try filling an orb at 40 or 50 favors, and then make that assumption about the hour long hunts, it gets CRAZY how much experience you have to feed into an orb after a while before its satisfied.

Don't you just need 1 favor per 10 circles to minimize death's sting? Not saying you need only 15, but the idea of having over like two dozen favors seems needlessly excessive and an exercise in driving yourself crazy.

When in doubt,
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 12:17 AM CDT

Its not really 'needed' unless you're planning on some RP that might put your count to a bit of a test and you're doing a little bit of prep work before hand. I've dropped 15-20 favors in an evening of PVP and RP that resulted in me getting kicked all over Therengia, much of which would've been missed if I hadn't put in the little bit of extra effort over a couple of days prior. To each their own I suppose?
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 03:14 AM CDT
Nice posts, Osus.

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 06:24 AM CDT
Well, since this is the complaints folder, and not the conflicts folder (although each folder becomes a battlefield because of opposing views), my big complaint is still that person A's mere presence in a hunting ground should have no impact on person B's critter spawn rate. If that was fixed, we wouldn't be having these discussions. No one can get all self righteous and tell people not to dance with 4 critters, because we've all done it. 4 minutes? 6 minutes? 10 minutes? 60 minutes? What makes your time correct? At any given time, I may need to dance, kill, poach, etc. Heck, it's taken me fornever to lock hiding and a bow, with 1 critter spawning at a time, poaching, because the guy next door has 4 to dance with. Do I complain? Of course. Do I know what he's doing because I do the same thing? Of course. Please fix spawn across the board in such a way that other bodies in the area will not hurt the rates of generation for other bodies in the area. And I don't want to hear the cheesy 3.0 should fix that because it'll be dangerous to take on more than 1 at a time malarky.

Squanto: think they'll make it so we can swim to the islands?
Codiax: probably not but who knows
Squanto: maybe moonwalk faster on the iceroad with enough reflex, athletics & xibar up?
Codiax: lol yeah totally. have to sing ice ice baby to make it work
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 07:29 AM CDT
I agree with Squanto. I think basically they should settle on whatever critter cap - <number of critters one person can take on - right now its supposedly 4> - and then just turn on however many critters for people in the area - in other words - not restrict it to AREA, but tie it to population.

So... if 2 people are in , say , gryphons, 8 gryphons will spawn. If 20 people are in gryphons, 80 gryphons will spawn. And so on. That said, I'm also in favor of expanding high-end hunting grounds - in all provinces - so people will be able to hunt in the province of their choice.

I'm also in favor of making lots more forges, so people in theren or muspar'i don't have to run down to haven to forge, for example.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 07:48 AM CDT
Excellent observations Squanto, I think that really is the lynchpin behind this entire thread. Apart from debating the myriad of ways the player(s) can try and get around low spawn areas and mechanics why not address the real problem, wildly varying spawn levels between creatures and mechanics which rely upon other players to increase the spawn rate.

The entire spire area has had spawn problems for a very long time considering the amount of longevity that area has. The most common complaint about 'critter hogging' seems to come from that area. Speaking from experience, the only time I've ever had any complaint about 'critter hogging the area too long' was in the corral, and it happened a lot.

- Anuind Lyndon

When naming your holy weapon consider the following: Everyone has a Holy Avenger or a Divine Vengeance. Why not go with something your foes will never accept the shame of being smote by, "The Fuzzy Kitten".
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 08:52 AM CDT
>>So... if 2 people are in , say , gryphons, 8 gryphons will spawn. If 20 people are in gryphons, 80 gryphons will spawn. And so on. That said, I'm also in favor of expanding high-end hunting grounds - in all provinces - so people will be able to hunt in the province of their choice.<<

It's not quite that simple. If I'm hunting in intercessors and the empath that hunts there is also hunting there, we'll have 6-8 intercessors spawning, but if they spawn in her room she can manipulate them and keep 5-7 in her room leaving the one trickling in. The spawn mechanics would have to say "Ok you have 4 critters in your room check next room. There are none here and a player, spawning here."
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 09:34 AM CDT
<<If I'm hunting in intercessors and the empath that hunts there is also hunting there, we'll have 6-8 intercessors spawning, but if they spawn in her room she can manipulate them and keep 5-7 in her room leaving the one trickling in.>>

it sounds to me then that its a problem with manipulation. I don't know how they code it, but possibly they could have 2 different toggles - one for friend/foe, the other for spawn...

I.e. IFCritter = Manip = Friend, BUT
if Critter Not Dead <friend or foe>, still Don'tCreateMoreCritters in room.

The problem seems to be how the system treats a manipulated critter when deciding to create more critters or not. This same situation does NOT exist with playercreated things - i.e. IndeadzombieInRoom doesn't automatically create more spawn in necros room - perhaps the empath manipulated critter could borrow from zombiecode.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 10:54 AM CDT
Keep in mind that if every hunting ground is set to "4 x players all the time" it makes it much harder to move form hunting are to hunting area, forcing people to stay in older hunting areas much longer than is intended.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 02:53 PM CDT
> Keep in mind that if every hunting ground is set to "4 x players all the time" it makes it much harder to move form hunting are to hunting area, forcing people to stay in older hunting areas much longer than is intended.

Then it would be nice if the areas which were set to lower rates took that philosophy further; if the area only spawns 3 per player, then only 3 should be willing to advance on a player. Make it impossible for a player to tie up more spawn than they contribute.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 04:42 PM CDT
>>Keep in mind that if every hunting ground is set to "4 x players all the time" it makes it much harder to move form hunting are to hunting area, forcing people to stay in older hunting areas much longer than is intended.<<

This is something for after 3.0 but something that might help that at least is more critters that fall between the more popular ones. Say you don't suck at skinning because you're a thief and haven't hunted skinnable creatures, you're higher so you're looking to move into assassins from headsplitters. The problem someone might face is that assassins are much harder than headsplitters so to keep defenses moving they milk the area far longer than is expected, but if they had something that got them reasonably from 750-900 they'd move there instead of milking.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/19/2012 08:29 PM CDT
>Keep in mind that if every hunting ground is set to "4 x players all the time" it makes it much harder to move form hunting are to hunting area, forcing people to stay in older hunting areas much longer than is intended.

I don't think people really move out of hunting grounds until they can handle 4 critters in their new place though. I haven't hunted non-swarmy critters in ages, and when one starts slowing down, I just look for the next slightly more difficult swarmy critter. I can't imagine too many other people do it terribly differently.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/20/2012 06:12 AM CDT
If there were 4x players at all times, maybe there'd be a lot less milking... er, I mean dancing! Let's face it, dancing for LONG periods of time, other than the favor orb here or there, is just a sign of milking and time to move on (unless you've hit the top critter and they barely train you). If a critter is a worthy opponent, just fighting all of them as they come in, and "dancing" 0% of the time will result in locked shield, armors, parry, MO and evasion in a short amount of time when you are on the lower end of the skill caps. It probably is the best time when you climb the critter ladder. Honestly, who wants to dance for 45 minutes to finally lock shield? Talk about making the game dreadfully boring.

Squanto: think they'll make it so we can swim to the islands?
Codiax: probably not but who knows
Squanto: maybe moonwalk faster on the iceroad with enough reflex, athletics & xibar up?
Codiax: lol yeah totally. have to sing ice ice baby to make it work
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/20/2012 06:58 AM CDT

I agree to an extent.. Skillset placement is going to do a LOT for how long you have to 'dance' in critters. As a survival prime, even starting and usually ending combat locking my defenses, I have a gap of almost 200 ranks between my evasion and shield/parry. I'm sure I'll be sitting in head-splitters MUCH longer than I'm looking forward to simply because I wont be able to move up to assassins solely based on my evasion.

Outside of moving to the islands, which sucks for boxes, there isnt really much else that can be done in this situation to avoid dancing for an hour or more that I'm aware of. Any suggestions?

Tangent: I've moved up hunting areas any time I was able to finally hide and stalk to melee on a critter mostly because it DOES get boring to just stand there at melee and watch pools fill. Soon as I can start hitting assassins I guess I'll be dying there too, heh.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/20/2012 07:17 AM CDT
>>Soon as I can start hitting assassins I guess I'll be dying there too, heh.

This. I couldn't stand the 45 minute dance in head-splitters anymore, along with the screwed up spawn back then due to others dancing. I chose dying several times in assassins over 45 minutes of what felt like a collossal waste of time, seeing as even if I died twice a week in assassins, I'd spend less time overall moving forward. Defenses locked in less than 5 minutes. A couple deaths a week is worth the 40 minutes savings per lock. Even if you get parried by assassins, you can still lock your melee weapons. And if you wait for snipers to exhuast their ammo, they'll come to melee and you can train parry up pretty fast.

Squanto: think they'll make it so we can swim to the islands?
Codiax: probably not but who knows
Squanto: maybe moonwalk faster on the iceroad with enough reflex, athletics & xibar up?
Codiax: lol yeah totally. have to sing ice ice baby to make it work
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/20/2012 07:37 AM CDT
<<If there were 4x players at all times, maybe there'd be a lot less milking... er, I mean dancing! Let's face it, dancing for LONG periods of time, other than the favor orb here or there, is just a sign of milking and time to move on (unless you've hit the top critter and they barely train you).>>

This is basically the truth, at least as I've experienced it.

My prime main character, a thief, I'm basically "stuck" as far as the critter ladder is concerned, if I ever go back to seriously training her again -- Because I never did much dancing with her. Stealth is totally way over her defenses. with her offenses better than defenses, but I'll still have to do backtraining after 3.0 because her top 2 weapons are ME and LE - which are combining. Plus Defending is going to be tert for her - rather than the multi which is now secondary - while I've basically gone to whatever critter dropped boxes, swarm or not.

On the other hand, my main char now in plat, a necro, I do plenty of dancing - because I can train magic with her, plus I've trained her "barb-style" in not just sticking to one weapon <her main is 2he.> But I've also trained with swarmables and skinnables. So she's in a much better position, but still needs work on her mundane killing skills. Because although she has the evasion <and the skinning> for celepeze, she still can't take down a DP zealot without a great deal of time and effort.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/24/2012 05:56 PM CDT

just to illustrate the point of this thread....been looking at this for the past 30 minutes....

To the southeast:
1) Korutu
2) Scandi
3) Hanafae
4) a sky giant
5) a sky giant
6) a sky giant
7) a sky giant
8) a sky giant
9) a sky giant
10) a sky giant
11) a sky giant
12) a sky giant
13) a sky giant

To the southwest, southwest:
14) Khohan
15) a sky giant
16) a sky giant
17) a sky giant

group dancing now
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/24/2012 07:02 PM CDT
Hanafae is an Empath, Korutu a Barbarian and Scandi is a Ranger.

I think that's a cool adventuring group.

Their not even tying down 4x their numbers.
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/24/2012 07:24 PM CDT
>They're not even tying down 4x their numbers.

I'd hardly call 10 instead of 12 some sort of master stroke.

Especially when the guy to the south has 3.

Adding nothing to the conversation since 1834.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 02:45 AM CDT
I've dealt with a very similar situation myself and no, One isn't an Empath.. I see similar stacks, depending on how many are in their group. It seems that because the room has "more" players in it, critters are more likely to spawn or wander into their room, than another. So even tho one of them is actually killing stuff, it ends up adversely effecting surrounding rooms. Watching via "hunt" it appears that they are just dancing(or feint/feint/feint-ing), but they are in fact killing, as slow as they may be, and I believe the spawn is maintaining due to their group "bonus". I haven't walked into the "adventurers'" room to watch/investigate/complain, but I have seen the effects of spells, thrown weapons on the ground & dead critters.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 10:16 AM CDT
I can't recall, but don't dead critters appear on HUNT, sans a 'dead' adjective?

Out of curiosity, have you asked if you can join their hunting party?
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 11:59 AM CDT
Based off 3 different days of logs where I'm HUNTing every 75 seconds I'm going to say No, dead critters don't appear using HUNT.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 01:12 PM CDT
dead critters do appear on hunt

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 01:17 PM CDT

>>>Based off 3 different days of logs where I'm HUNTing every 75 seconds I'm going to say No, dead critters don't appear using HUNT

can a GM do a script check on this guy and his related accounts? and maybe on pretty much anyone logged in for more than 24 hours?

It might even help solve that issue with the never ending supply of plats covered in the main folder...

Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 01:21 PM CDT
Three different days != three continual days straight non stop

When in doubt,
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 01:51 PM CDT

Just reminded me- I was in giants last night and had 4 giants on me, and the gentleman next door yelled and asked if I would kill one.

So I did. Well actually all of them. I had locked Parry/shield/evasion and was thinking of holding out to lock MO, but I really don't care about MO anymore. So I instead switched to the much more fun destroy all mode.

Anyway- sometimes simply asking works.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 03:14 PM CDT
Right, my point is if HUNT shows up dead critters, sans the 'dead' adjective, then it's quite possible that people you (whoever is complaining about this) think aren't killing critters, are in fact killing critters.

Obviously not if spawn is less than 4x per hunter. But if you hunt somewhere swarmy, and don't actually wander into someone's room to see what they're up to, a hunter killing critters even fairly frequently will still show up as;

1) Hunter
2) Critter
3) Critter
4) Critter
5) Critter

Almost constantly.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/25/2012 05:19 PM CDT
>dead critters do appear on hunt

>I can't recall, but don't dead critters appear on HUNT, sans a 'dead' adjective?

Left out the sans when I read that, my mistake. The dead appear as living with HUNT.
Re: Just lookin for a little TM 09/27/2012 12:58 AM CDT
>The dead appear as living with HUNT.

Good to know. Explains why it seems their rooms look constantly full with /hunt. Glad I've just minded my own business & kept to myself when I saw others with (seemingly) constantly full rooms... I didn't know dead ones showed up at all...
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