Gnome Racial Verb: Tinker 10/28/2011 09:28 AM CDT
I'd be surprised if this hasn't been suggested already, but I didn't find it in the posts (I can hardly ever find what I'm looking for in these forums - is there a search feature I'm overlooking?).

> tinker
1st Person: You reminisce about your recent tinkering projects.
3rd Person: geniusclown's tiny fingers wiggle excitedly.
> tinker object
1st Person: You tinker with the object for a moment, but don't think you've made any improvements.
3rd Person: geniusclown tinkers with {his (if held or worn)|the (otherwise)} object.
> tinker Person
1st Person: You consider how you might improve Person, but lack the proper tools.
2nd Person: geniusclown's tiny fingers wiggle excitedly as he gazes at you with a glimmer in his eye. Just what is he thinking?
3rd Person: geniusclown's tiny fingers wiggle excitedly as he gazes at Person with a glimmer in his eyes.

> tinker (as a non-Gnome)
Your fingers are just too fat for such precise actions.