Ranger Guild 09/21/2006 03:33 PM CDT
Simply amazing! I haven't even left yet once I got here. The canteen, the bar, all the other stuff, it's all fantastic. I can see why so much time was spent on this. Maybe someday I'll even venture outside of the guild.

Range Master Dragamar, Recluse of Aesry Sulaenis'a
Brother Urio, Follower of Urrem'tier
Lang Ranger Guild 11/25/2008 07:39 AM CST
Thanks for the event last night. I caught the end of it, but I got to see a lot of names I haven't seen in years.

The gifts were also great. Seems like a lot of work went into the event that I wasn't expecting. I appreciate it.

Hug a Ranger.
Re: Lang Ranger Guild 11/25/2008 03:04 PM CST
Oh, good, I was going to post this but you saved me finding the right folder.

Great work to the Mentor team! I'm sure you guys had a big hand in that very cool knife description. I love the interlocking circles.

Thanks to GM who brought in Tolle, is great to have some interaction with our guild leaders, even if they are drunken womanizers prone to shooting arrows towards guild members (Just kidding, love you Tolle).

Love the explanation about the barbarian guild complaining rangers were too good at combat.

Oh yea, and I love the new reqs.


Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Ragran's pockets and carefully grab a platinum.
Roundtime: 2 sec.