Here's to you Guild Guru's 07/18/2005 11:19 PM CDT
I tapped my cuff today after I tossed some knowledge to a young Ranger today and I thought about our guild and the people in it and had some time to reflect, yadda yadda (enter sappy story here). Just thought I'd say a quick thanks to our crew that we have runnin' this job. Makes me glad I chose this guild knowing that you all are always working hard to give us new things/updates/spells/beseeches/abilities/ect...and I appreciate that. So here's to you under appreciated Guild Guru's. Next time you wipe the grime from your keyboard due to way too many hours plugging code for our guild, know that we all appreciate it deep down.

Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
Re: Here's to you Guild Guru's 07/19/2005 01:26 AM CDT

With all the uproars that can happen on the boards and in game, it's always nice to have something like this to see :)

So, thanks for the thanks! I knew I joined the right guild long ago :)
