A missive to Kalika 09/06/2009 06:35 PM CDT
Guildleader Kalika,

As promised I am reporting on our scouting mission lead by Roopardua to find the “trouble” Rogdin spoke of. We followed his trail down by the old Mill in Tiger Clan which led us to the banks of the Segoltha. From there we swam to the far side of the river. On the southern bank we picked up his tracks again which lead us to a wrecked ship. Immediately upon entering the wreckage we were attacked by river sprites! Surely this was the trouble Rogdin spoke of. Not long after the sprites engaged us did some netmen attack us as well. We dispatched as many of them as we could, though I fear they have taken root. We disengaged and setup a watch. A few of us continued on and found a sturdy tree in which it appears Rogdin has been using for some time, no doubt keeping an eye on the sprites. This should also allow us to catch a glimpse of any trouble that may arrive via the river. That is mostly all I have to report, save to also let you know that the swim is quite treacherous and should not be attempted by those still learning our ways. I’m sorry to be brief though I must return to Ilithi and leave this scroll in trusted hands.

May Kuniyo continue to guide your paths paths,

Outrider Saracus RoseMerry