Interesting debate 04/14/2003 06:58 AM CDT
It ended well after 2am EST last night and I don't remember all the names involved, but:

Four Kaldar Rangers, outside Crossing guild, were speaking to each other in Gorbesh. After a few minutes an Elven Ranger became irritated and insulting as he was a Gorbesh War Veteran and felt the use of the Gorbesh language was insulting to the dead and any who fought in the war.

The four Kaldar tried to explain several times, and ways, that they weren't Gorbesh and in fact left Albaria because of Gorbesh persecution. One of the Kaldar was an original Kaldar from the Arrival and near the end went to his vault and brought back several Gorbesh items to illustrate the symbols of the Gorbesh Empire were different than the Everild symbols he was wearing.

At one point the Elven Ranger cast SOTT, STW, loaded his bow and cast EM, mentioning from hiding that should the Kaldar notice an arrow in them, not to be surprised. The Kaldar made it clear they were all Rangers and he was not their enemy...that an Elf had even taught the Kaldar of the Thirteen...and continued to speak in Gorbesh. He eventually came out of hiding and unloaded his bow (though did mention a "list").

Again, sorry for not remembering the names, but outstanding Roleplay. I wanted to give a couple RPAs, but only have 4 banked up and was unable.
Re: Interesting debate 04/18/2003 05:20 AM CDT
It was a fun debate and interesting RP. I usually don't get to play the meanie - more just a bawdy, crotchetey old elf. This was one thing that Sylv, the character, felt strongly about. The player behind Sylv has never been in the military, but was thinking that if he was a war vet, as the character, he'd probably be irritated by the language of an enemy he had fought against so many years before. That would stick with him. It would be despised. The crux of it was not about Kaldar, but about the Gorbesh. And, the language the Kaldar were speaking that brought back the memories of bloody battles. The two folks were Jozan and Diuran. They RP'd it nicely. Jozan, I believe, gave up trying to change Sylv's mind. Diuran stuck it out. Kudos to both of 'em. I think it pretty much ended with agreeing to disagree. There were about six or seven other PCs there that told Sylv later that they agreed with his side. I'm sure another faction probably told J and D they agreed with their side. Overall, it was great fun. If anyone wants the log, they can gweth Sylv.

the player behind Sylvantro